Houlton Criminal Docket, January 2020

5 years ago

Editor’s note: Due to technical difficulties with the court reporting system, the following docket was only recently made available. 

HOULTON, Maine — The following cases were heard under the Aroostook Criminal Docket at the Houlton Courthouse during the month of January.

Bud L. Nason, 25, Island Falls: probation violation, 15 months in prison, probation revoked. 

Brooks Brewer, 58, Mars Hill: tampering with a witness, informant, juror or victim, 4 years in prison all but 5 months suspended, 3 years probation.

  Joseph M. Dobbins, 21, Houlton: assault on an officer, 240 days in jail, probation partially revoked. 

Steven James Gonya, 34, Houlton: aggravated furnishing of scheduled drugs, 5 years in prison, all but 22 months suspended, $400 fine.

Kenneth Carter, 64, Smyrna Mills: criminal threatening, $500 fine. 

Jordan Pelkey, 27, Stacyville: operating methamphetamine laboratory using a motor vehicle, dismissed; unlawful possession of scheduled drug, $1,000 fine; violating condition of release, $250 fine. 

Jason Caron, 47, Dyer Brook: failure to register vehicle, $500 fine. 

Jeffery D. Sarmiento, 33, Washburn: aggravated trafficking of scheduled drugs, 2 counts, dismissed (each); operating while license suspended or revoked, $500 fine; unlawful trafficking in scheduled drugs, dismissed); criminal forfeiture of property, forfeiture; unlawfully furnishing scheduled drug, 4 years in prison, all suspended, 2 years probation, $240 restitution.

Taylor Graham, 23, Linneus: domestic violence assault, 2 counts, 90 days in jail all but 48 hours suspended, 1 year probation (each); criminal mischief, $200 fine. 

Richard C. Cummings, 30, Houlton: probation violation, probation continued, no sentence imposed. 

Joseph M. Dobbins, 21, Houlton: domestic violence assault, prior domestic violence, 36 months in prison, all but 240 days suspended, 2 years probation; domestic violence criminal threatening, priors domestic violence, dismissed. 

Kristopher Waananen, 36, Patten: driving to endanger, license suspended for 30 days, $575 fine; motor vehicle speeding 30-plus mph over speed limit, $300 fine; operating vehicle without license, $100 fine; attaching false plates, $100 fine; failure to register vehicle, $100 fine. 

James M. Iversen, 41, Smyrna: operating while license suspended or revoked, prior, $750 fine. 

Michael J. Rich, 30, Linneus: unlawful possession of heroin, dismissed; unlawful possession of scheduled drug, 17 days in jail, $400 fine. 

Derrick M. Camp, 38, Ashland: violating condition of release, dismissed. 

Derrick M. Camp, 38, Ashland: tampering with a witness, informant, juror or victim, dismissed; violating condition of release, 2 counts, dismissed (first), 90 days in jail, all suspended, 1 year probation, $500 fine (second). 

Shawn Cunningham, 44, Washburn: operating under the influence (alcohol), 5 days in jail, license suspended for 150 days, $500 fine; failure to register vehicle, dismissed. 

 Taylor A. Graham, 23, Presque Isle: violating condition of release, 48 hours in jail; unlawful possession of scheduled drug, $400 fine. 

Benjamin D. Callnan, 43, Houlton: attaching false plates, $200 fine. 

Trisha Lynn Lorom, 36, Houlton: operating while license suspended or revoked, prior, $500 fine. 

Ezra J. Brady, 28, Houlton: operating after habitual offender revocation, 2 prior, dismissed.

Lacey K. McGary, 32, Oakfield: theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, $400 fine. 

Bud L. Nason, 25, Island Falls: eluding an officer, 2 counts, 18 months in prison (each); driving to endanger, 2 counts, 6 months in prison, license suspended for 30 days, $575 fine (first), dismissed (second).

Corey Norman Herbert, 40, Wallagrass: violating condition of release, 10 days in jail.

Daniel R. Cottle, 30, Hodgdon: tampering with a witness, informant, juror or victim, dismissed. 

Randall G. Tidd, 61, Hodgdon: burning prohibited material, $200 fine.

Jason Caron, 47, Dyer Brook: operating while license suspended or revoked, $150 fine. 

Brian K. Lane, 31, Patten: operating while license suspended or revoked, $250 fine. 

Edward Desrosiers, 53, Houlton: operating vehicle without license, $150 fine. 

Andrew D. Ashton, 29, Monticello: displaying fictitious vehicle certificate, $250 fine. 

Bud L. Nason, 25, Island Falls: unlawful possession of wild animal or bird, 90 days in jail, $500 fine with $500 suspended.   

Noel Bennett III, 40, Howland: motor vehicle speeding 30-plus mph over speed limit, $300 fine. 

Troy L. Hammond, 54, Caribou: criminal mischief, 364 days in prison, all but 50 day suspended, 1 year probation, $1,887.50 restitution; assault, $300 fine. 

Micah D. McCarthy, 25, Houlton: unlawful possession of scheduled drug, $500 fine. 

Robert D. Root, 73, Danforth: rule violation, operated by unqualified driver, filed on $100 costs. 

Justin Allen Drake, 33, Houlton: violating condition of release, $500 fine. 

Joshua Patrick Burris, 20, Lincoln: refusing to submit to arrest or detention, refusing to stop, 48 hours in jail; violating condition of release, 48 hours in jail.

Taylor A. Graham, 23, Linneus: violating condition of release, 48 hours in jail.

MacKenzie L. London, 27, Oakfield: burning without permit, $200 fine. 

Benjamin D. Callnan, 43, Houlton: attaching false plates, $300 fine. 

Zane Welton, 27, Houlton: disorderly conduct, offensive words, gestures, 24 hours in jail.

Tiffany N. Kelley, 22, Hodgdon: allowing minor to possess or consume liquor, $500 fine.

Elizabeth Gardner, 32, Houlton: operating vehicle without license, $150 fine.

Carla Sawyer, 35, Houlton: failure to register vehicle, $150 fine. 

Joshua M. Maynard, 37, Presque Isle: operating while license suspended or revoked, $750 fine.

Andrew R. Hemingway, 37, Hodgdon: shooting from motor vehicle, $200 fine. 

Tristan Lannon, 18, Houlton: disorderly conduct, loud noise, private place, $200 fine. 

Matthew Thibodeau, 32, Machias: criminal mischief, 30 days in jail; failing to make oral or written accident report, 30 days in jail, license suspended for 6 months, $500 fine; attaching false plates, 30 days in jail; criminal threatening, 30 days in jail; theft by receiving stolen property, 30 days in jail.

Rebecca Bither, 35, Houlton: violating condition of release, 15 days in jail, $400 fine.

Richard A. Anderson, 29, Oakfield: violating condition of release, 10 days in jail.

Amanda Jones, 47, Oakfield: assault, 48 hours in jail.

Ryan L. Bennett, 42, Houlton: violating condition of release, 24 hours in jail. 

Ezra J. Brady, 28, Bridgewater: violating condition of release, 48 hours in jail. 

Christopher Richard, 31, Smyrna: violating condition of release, 48 hours in jail.

Bud Nason, 25, Island Falls: keeping wildlife in captivity, dismissed. 

Desirae L. Haney, 20, Houlton: minor consuming liquor, $200 fine. 

Cecile Dakin-Gilchrest, 18, Houlton: minor consuming liquor, $200 fine. 

James W. Scott, 56, Houlton: operating ATV on temporarily closed trail, $100 fine. 

Kenneth McNerney, 63, Soldiertown Township: entering or causing a projectile to enter a place illegally, $100 fine.

Triston Lannon, 18, Houlton: minor consuming liquor, $200 fine. 

 Brent D. Brewer, 64, Northwood, New Hampshire: entering or causing a projectile to enter a place illegally, $100 fine. 

Nicholas S. Bellefleur, 20, Gray: violating snowmobile noise level, $100 fine.