Houlton area What’s Happening – July 15 – 26, 2020

5 years ago

Editor’s note: The events calendar returns after a long hiatus due to the pandemic. Any previously listed events from months or years past have been discontinued, so please email us at story@thecounty.me with your nonprofit event information.  

Wednesday, July 15

HOULTON: SMART Recovery, Aroostook Recovery Center of Hope, 36 North St., 7 p.m. FMI: 207-254-2213.

HOULTON: Aroostook County Commissioners meeting, 1 p.m., Sheriff’s Office second-floor conference room.

ONLINE: A Family for ME watch party for those interested in becoming foster parents. Online presentation and Q&A, 6:30-8 p.m. FMI: AFamilyforMEMaine.org.

Thursday, July 16

HOULTON: NA meeting, Aroostook Recovery Center of Hope, 36 North St., 9 a.m. FMI: 207-254-2113 or Elamoreau@AMHC.org.

Saturday, July 18

HOULTON: NA meeting, Aroostook Recovery Center of Hope, 36 North St., 7 p.m. FMI: 207-254-2113 or Elamoreau@AMHC.org.

LITTLETON: Take-out turkey supper offered by the Southern Aroostook Agricultural Museum, 4:30-6 p.m. Beans on the side. Drive-thru and pickup; picnic tables outside. Cost: donation.

ONLINE: Stem to Stone 5K Road Race to benefit Wreaths Across America. Live and virtual event by CompetitorME. Registrants designate wreath recipient. FMI: https://runsignup.com/Race/ME/ColumbiaFalls/WreathsAcrossAmericaStemtoStone2020RaceTourMAINE.

Sunday, July 19

HOULTON: AA meeting, 6 p.m. SMART Recovery, 7 p.m. Aroostook Recovery Center of Hope, 36 North St. FMI: 207-254-2113 or Elamoreau@AMHC.org.

Tuesday, July 21

HOULTON: Probation and Recovery meeting, Aroostook Recovery Center of Hope, 36 North St., 1:30 p.m. FMI: 207-254-2113 or Elamoreau@AMHC.org.

Sunday, July 26

HOULTON: Serving Sundaes on a Sunday, 12 noon at the Military St. Baptist Church. No cost, but donations accepted for Houlton Pregnancy Care Center. Social distancing tables outside or drive up available.

ONLINE: Maine Catholic Youth Convention, 10 a.m.-12 noon. Free and open to high school youth (those entering grade 9 through recent graduates), youth ministers and families. To register and receive link, email shawn.gregory@portlanddiocese.org.