Caribou area From our Files – Week of July 13, 2020

Beth Lacombe, Special to The County
5 years ago

115 Years Ago – July  19, 1905

New Job Peter C. Everett of Haverhill, Mass., has secured a position with the Caribou Cigar Company.

100 Years Ago – July  22, 1920

Trip Hon. George W. Irving returned Monday from a trip of several weeks’ duration to the Pacific Coast. While gone he attended the Lewis and Clark Exhibition in Portland, Ore., and also spent a week in the famous Yellowstone Park. 

Potatoes — The amount of potatoes shipped out of Aroostook from the 1919 crop is 17,287,825 bushels, or about 24,000 car loads.

75 Years Ago – July 19, 1945

75th Anniversary — A full program is planned for the celebration of the 75th anniversary of the funding of the town of New Sweden. One of the most prosperous farming communities in the state today, citizens of the town will recall the eventful day on Saturday, July 23, 1870, when Hon. W.W. Thomas led a handful of colonists into the Maine Wilderness to set up forest homes.

First of its Kind in Aroostook County — Two new diesel electric freight locomotives, have been recently purchased by the Aroostook Valley Railroad Company to replace two locomotives which have been in service on the A.V.R. tracks since 1911 and 1924. The new machines, built by General Electric are the very latest in engine design and are the first to be seen in the county.

50 Years Ago – July  22, 1970

Ruined Cabbages — Mrs. Omar Doody of Limestone lost 400 cabbages, a new variety expected to grow to 15 pounds each in weight, after a Saturday hailstorm completely destroyed her entire garden. The hail, she said, was as big as walnuts.

New Sweden The Historical Society met at the museum to plan an open house at the museum. Plans were also made for the float sponsored by the society. Decisions were also made on the other programming to take place during the five-day Centennial Celebration. 

25 Years Ago – July 19, 1995

Wildlife encounters The Rev. Phyllis Pelletier, who lives on the East Road, confronted a bear while walking her dog, Agape, one recent morning. In that same neighborhood, a moose enjoyed a swim in Frank Nichols’ pond for about a half-hour recently.

Jumping Rope More than 100 students at the Washburn District Elementary School participated in the “Annual Jump Rope for Heart” program. In its 11th consecutive year, students in grades three through eight participated in the program to benefit the American Heart Association. The students raised a total of $4,037.35 this year, bringing the 11-year total to $30,694.27.