Fort Fairfield department extinguishes out of control brush fire on South Caribou Road

5 years ago

FORT FAIRFIELD, Maine —  The Fort Fairfield Fire Department responded to an “out of control” brush fire before flames could reach other structures on Sunday, authorities said.


Around 5 p.m., a homeowner on South Caribou Road called the department to activate a burn permit. The department accepted the permit per standard protocol, authorities said. 

However, 30 minutes later, the same individual called the department again to say that the brush pile he was burning was “out of control.” Arriving at the scene, the Fort Fairfield Fire Department spent an hour fighting the small brush fire.

The department quickly put out the fire before it put any nearby structures at-risk, Deputy Fire Chief Timothy Browning said. 

Browning said it was important that homeowners be cautious when burning brush piles. He said those burnings can quickly escalate to full-scale fires. 

“Fortunately, nobody was harmed and no structures were damaged [in Sunday’s fire],” Browning said.