Presque Isle area From our Files – Week of July 21, 2020

5 years ago

75 Years Ago –  July 26, 1945

Inducted through local board No. 2 — The list of registrants inducted through local board No. 2 were as follows:

Truman George McHatten, Edward Donald Stephenson, Harry Almon Drake and Roy Welts Nickerson, all of Presque Isle; Perley Bubar, Clare Morton Wright and Cecil Everett Andrews, all of Caribou;  Lester Ronald McPhail of Fort Fairfield; Eugene Clyde Pooler, Frederick Humphrey and Roland Wayne McDonald, all of Washburn; LeRoy Francis Hechler, Vernon Albert Edgecomb and Richard Waddell Ward, all of Limestone; Axel Charles Lindgren an2d Clyde Anton Anderson, both of New Sweden; and Warren Frederick Skidgel of Woodland.

Kilburn Stubbs promoted to corporal — Promotion from private first class to corporal of Kilburn K. Stubbs, son of Mr. and Mrs. Colburn Stubbs, was announced by the 43rd Infantry (Winged Victory) Division, at a Luzon (Philippine Islands) base. Corporal Stubbs, member of a field artillery unit in the 43rd, had been overseas since October 1942, and had participated in the New Georgia, New Guinea, and Luzon campaigns. He attended Presque Isle and Bangor Maine high schools prior to entering the service.

50 Years Ago –  July 29, 1970

Rod and Gun Club honored two members — The Presque Isle Rod and Gun Club held a farewell supper July 22 for two of its members who were being transferred. President Arnold Beleckis, who was with Maine Fisheries and Game, had been transferred to the Kezar Falls area. Sgt. Rossman, who had been at Loring for the previous four years, moved to Oregan. Club Secretary Robert Miller presented each man a life membership card. Games were played before the steak supper, compliments of Edgar Crockett and Robert Nixxon.

Tiernan named Erwin Finance Chairman — Republican gubernatorial nominee James S. Erwin named John Tiernan of Presque Isle as  Aroostook County Finance chairman in Erwin’s bid for the governorship. Tierman, 50, president of the Coca-Cola Bottling co. and vice president of Downeast Vending Co. He was a trustee of Urban Renewal; director of the Aroostook Health Services Development; and a director of the Northern Maine Regional Planning Commission. He also held a membership in the Presque Isle Rotary Club.

25 Years Ago –  July 26, 1995

Miss Presque Isle becomes Potato Queen — After a little over two hours of talent performances, sportswear competition and eveningwear presentations, the big moment was at hand to announce Maine’s new Potato Queen. J. R. Mitchell, master of ceremonies and program director of Hot Country 97, teased the crowd as he appeared to take his time announcing other awards won by pageant participants. Mitchell proclaimed that the essay award was given to Jessica Ouellette, Miss Fort Fairfield; Kellie Thomas, Miss Washburn, was voted Miss Congeniality by her peers; Nicole Bagley, Miss Limestone, was recognized for physical fitness; the talent award was given to Miss Presque Isle, Heidi Robins. Dawn Nadeau, Miss Fort Kent, proclaimed second runner-up; and Miss Cheney, Miss Mars Hill, first runner-up. Finally, the 1995 Maine Potato Queen was announced and it went to Heidi Robins.

DOVE Award winner — Eleanor Reese of Presque Isle received the DOVE Award from the Maine Society Directors of Healthcare Volunteer Services. The presentation was made at the Maine Hospital Association Summer Forum. Reese, director of volunteer services at The Aroostook Medical Center, was recognized by MSDHVS for her leadership qualities and her management and use of volunteers at TAMC. She had held her position at the hospital for 15 years.