75 Years Ago – Aug. 2, 1945
Pfc. Trainar awarded good conduct medal — Colonel James R. Gunn, Jr., commanding officer of Florence Army Air Field, announced the award of the Good Conduct Medal to Pfc. Arline L. Trainar of Presque Isle.
The award was made for exemplary behavior, efficiency in the performance of her duties and for fidelity to the service. Pfc. Trainar, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kempton of Presque Isle, enlisted in the WAC on June 12, 1944.
Masardis lieutenant decorated for heroism — With the Fifth Army in Italy, Second Lt. Lester F. MacDonald, the son of Mrs. Lilly MacDonald of Masardis, was awarded the Bronze Star for heroic achievement in action during the Italian campaign. He served on the Fifth Army front in the 351st “Spearhead” Regiment of the 88th “Blue Devil” Division.
50 Years Ago – Aug. 5, 1970
Harry Smith honored — The firemen and their wives entertained at a steak dinner at the firehouse in honor of Harry D. Smith of Caribou. Smith retired as Aroostook County Fire Marshal to accept a position at the University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas, teaching in the fire science course. Entertainment was furnished by Dick Kearney and his group. The fire department and Auxiliary members presented Smith a purse of money. About 40 people attended.
Local firm received two bid contracts — Loring’s Procurement Division awarded contracts to four different firms for construction and custodial services. Two contracts were awarded to the Bridge Construction Company, Presque Isle. One in the amount of $58,600 for repair of storm drainage, Wherry Housing, and the other in the amount of $67,680 for the sealcoat stabilized airfield shoulder pavement. The Northeastern Custodial Supply Company, Gorham, was awarded a contract in the amount of $44,638 for custodial services for the hospital and dental clinic. Bangor Roofing and Sheet Metal Company, Brewer, was awarded a contract in the amount of $84,903 to repair roofs of base facilities. The E. W. Audet and Sons Inc., Providence, R.I., was awarded a contract in the amount of $177,157 for the repair of the overhead electrical distribution system. All awards were made as a formal advertisement.
25 Years Ago – Aug. 2, 1995
McCain Foods — McCain Foods, Inc., recognized Donald Guimond as their June 1995 Employee of the Month. Guimond had been employed with McCain Foods since April of 1978, working as Poly Operator II in the company’s Easton facility. His major responsibilities included: running two Ziplock poly machines, the scales, keeping track of the weights, seals, codes, metal detectors and running a blueprint packer. Guimond resided in Fort Fairfield with his wife Nancy and his three children. He received a $100 monetary award and was eligible for the Employee of the Year Award.
NMTC appointment — Meg McLaughlin was appointed to the position of student services liaison for the Maine Youth Apprenticeship Program at Northern Maine Technical College. McLaughlin helped increase the employability skills of local youths and build the confidence needed to ensure success in their chosen career fields. McLaughlin, a native of Fort Fairfield, received her bachelor’s degree from Dickinson College in Pennsylvania in 1993. Since graduating, she had been employed by the Pennsylvania Service Corps, first as coordinator of community service at Beaver College and later as Northwestern field coordinator. She had worked with people of all ages, including teens, and had acted as a career counselor.