Bishop reassigns two local priests

5 years ago

PORTLAND, Maine — Bishop Robert Deeley recently announced the following two priest assignments, which were effective on Aug. 1.

 Fr. M. Arockia Natha Prabu, HGN, “Fr. Prabu,” has been appointed parochial vicar of St. Teresa of Calcutta Parish (St. Catherine of Sienna Church in Norway, Our Lady of Ransom Church in Mechanic Falls, St. Mary Church in Oxford) and St. Joseph Parish (St. Joseph Church in Bridgton, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church in Fryeburg). 

This assignment replaces his previous assignment announced in April.

He was most recently a parochial vicar at the Parish of the Precious Blood in Caribou. 

A native of Tiruvannamalai, India, he competed his clerical studies at St. John’s Minor Seminary in Nidadavole, India, and St. Joseph’s Major Seminary in Kurnool, India. While in formation, he spent a year of pastoral ministry teaching English to sixth- and seventh-graders in Prathipadu, India. 

He was ordained to the priesthood on April 10, 2013, in Melavalady, India. He served as an assistant parish priest, similar to a parochial vicar here, at five churches in four different parishes in India before arriving in Maine in 2019.

Fr. Nehru Stephen Savayaria, HGN, “Fr. Nehru Stephen,” has been appointed parochial vicar at St. Michael Parish (St. Mary of the Assumption Church, Augusta; St. Augustine Church, Augusta; St. Joseph Church, Gardiner; Sacred Heart Church, Hallowell; St. Denis Church, Whitefield; St. Francis Xavier Church, Winthrop). 

This assignment replaces a previous assignment announced in April. 

He was most recently a parochial vicar at the Parish of the Precious Blood in Caribou. 

Born in Pinjivakkam Kandigai, India, he earned a bachelor’s degree in English literature from Annamalai University in Tamil Nadu, India. He was ordained to the priesthood on April 10, 2013, at Heralds of Good News Minor Seminary, also in Tamil Nadu. 

Since his ordination, he has served as an assistant parish priest at St. Thomas Mount International Shrine in Chennai, India, which marks the burial place of St. Thomas, the apostle. He then served as house superior at the Heralds of Good News provincialate for two years before departing for his new assignment in Maine, where he has served since 2016.

Submitted by the communications office of the Diocese of Portland.