
4 years ago

To the Editor:

Trump will have a legacy of shame for a violent transfer of executive power.  He has trashed our tradition of a peaceful transition by inciting a riot that resulted in the ransacking of our Capitol while Congress was in session to count the electoral votes. 

He has violated his oath of office to defend the rule of law, and he has disgraced America in the eyes of the world.  He will have a legacy of shame.  For four years he has trashed the press, our government institutions, our elections and more. Trump will never concede losing the 2020 election, and as a final boot out the door, Congress should strip Trump of all the immunities and perquisites of an ex-president.

For more than four years I have been troubled by the support that Trump has received from Christians.  What is it about Trump’s blatant authoritarianism, racism and sexism that attracts the unwavering support of many devout Christians?  Personally, this connection between Trumpism and Christianity has driven me away from Christianity.  I hope to understand it someday.

Stephen Freeman
Presque Isle