Maine State Police Troop F Report, February 15-21, 2021

4 years ago

Editor’s Note: An arrest or summons does not constitute a finding of guilt. An individual charged with a crime is presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty at criminal proceedings.

HOULTON, Maine — The Maine State Police Troop F barracks in Houlton responded to a number of calls for service during the period of Feb. 15-21, including the following.

Wednesday, Feb. 17

LUDLOW — Trooper Sylvia investigated a trespassing complaint in Ludlow where the homeowner reported a local man continued coming onto his property. Tr. Sylvia issued a trespass warning to the man. 

Thursday, Feb. 18

MOUNT CHASE — Tr. Saucier received a report from a Mount Chase selectman that an individual was going through the town dumpsters and they’d asked him not to do this in the past. Tr. Saucier located the man and issued him a trespass warning. 

SHERMAN — Tr. Saucier received a call from the Sherman Thriftway owner reporting they had a female on camera stealing a bottle of alcohol. The female has yet to be identified and the case remains under investigation. 

Friday, Feb. 19

PRESQUE ISLE — Tr. Rider was conducting traffic enforcement in the town of Presque Isle when he ran a registration plate on a vehicle. The vehicle did not match the registration information. The vehicle pulled into a local business and Tr. Rider waited for the vehicle to leave. Tr. Rider conducted a traffic stop on the vehicle and issued a summons to the operator for illegal attachment of plates. 

Saturday, March 20

MADAWASKA — Tr. Desrosier assisted Madawaska PD with a drug recognition expert evaluation. 

HAYNESVILLE — Sgt. Fuller and Tr. Cotton responded to a Haynesville location when a man reported being assaulted by his neighbor. The intoxicated caller claimed that he had been assaulted by his neighbor after a disagreement about the neighbor having a vehicle towed that the complainant felt he could fix. The investigation showed that the caller had actually been on the other man’s property and had been removed from the property by the homeowner after he had not left on his own.

Sunday, March 21

STOCKHOLM — Tr. Desrosier was conducting traffic enforcement on Rt. 161 in Stockholm when he observed a white SUV traveling at a high rate of speed. Tr. Desrosier clocked its speed at 91 mph in a posted 55-mph zone. The man stated that he knew that he was driving fast and was trying to get ahead of a couple of vehicles. The man was issued a summons for criminal speed.

OAKFIELD — Tr. Cotton met with a representative from a local church when they realized that someone had recently cut the catalytic converter from a van owned by the church. The part appeared to have been recently cut off and the investigation is ongoing.