Hooked on Fishing, Not Drugs Youth Fishing Derby slated for Saturday

4 years ago

PRESQUE ISLE, Maine — They’re stocking Mantle Lake on Wednesday morning with buckets and buckets of 8-to-11-inch trout so that Saturday’s Hooked on Fishing, Not Drugs Youth Fishing Derby will give kids a fighting chance at hooking one.

“Any kid who catches their first fish is hooked,” Presque Isle Elks Lodge No. 1954 Drug Awareness Committee Chairman Alan F. Harding said. “They will never forget.”

This year’s youth derby kicks off with registration between 8 and 10 a.m. on Saturday, at Mantle Lake Park in Presque Isle, after a one-year hiatus. 

About 16 years ago, Elks Lodge 1954 took on the local event that was actually adopted statewide by the 118th Maine Legislature. The law established the Hooked on Fishing, Not on Drugs as a program of the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife to encourage youth fishing activities in the state. The program uses fishing as an alternative to drugs.

“It’s been recognized that kids who fish are less likely to be engaging in less desirable activities,” Harding said.

Preparing for Saturday’s event, started months ago getting prizes lined up. And this year, the top fishing prize for the biggest catch, measured in length, is a lifetime Maine fishing license. Among other prizes are a girl’s bike and a boy’s bike, hammocks, soccer balls and more. There will be a prize for every registered fishing contestant.

For youth without fishing gear, there are poles available on Saturday. But the number of fishing pole give-aways are limited and Harding said if a family of five children comes to the derby without equipment, they will probably get one pole to share.

Additionally, Moosehead Bait and Tackle provided all the bait and tackle for Saturday and they have already delivered all the worms for Saturday morning. 

Elks volunteers will spread the fish around the lake when they stock it on Thursday to give all the contestants a chance at catching a fish, Harding said.

In previous years there were about 300 attending the derby and Harding said he expects at least that many since it is supposed to be a sunny warm day.

There will be hot dogs, chips, juice, Houlton Farms Dairy ice cream, and all is free, courtesy of the Elks and sponsors.

All contestants must have a supervising adult with them and unvaccinated people are required to wear a mask and practice social distancing. For information call the Elks at 207-764-0985.