Volunteers key to museum success

Karen Donato, Special to The County
4 years ago

HOULTON, Maine — The Southern Aroostook Agricultural Museum is gearing up for a busy season. 

The museum has grown steadily since it first opened in 2002. The complex now includes the main building, the barn, the Allie Cole Building, filling station, general store and one room school. Those buildings are filled with items common to homes and farms throughout the state of Maine and most recently the locally made largest potato basket in the world. The new Cole building has a display of highway snow plows. 

Volunteers have made this all happen. Through these 20 years many hours have been given by dozens of individuals to collect, preserve and display items that over time would have been lost to neglect or randomly discarded. 

Many volunteers are still actively working in their chosen careers, while others have left the paying job behind and have found a replacement. 

Anyone who is recently retired or has some time on your hands are welcome to volunteer. Dozens of volunteers have found this is the place to spend some time from June through September and maybe once a month through the winter. 

Many times, career oriented citizens find themselves at a loss once they are out of the workforce. Volunteering not only helps the organization, but it lends itself to filling the void of being out of the workforce. It also develops new friendships that carry on beyond the museum work. One can work as much as they desire; whatever may fit their lifestyle.

Some volunteers choose to give three hours once a week as tour guides, while others offer to come in once a month to be a guide, catalogue items or help in the kitchen or serving on the supper. Some like to work outside, mowing the lawn, repairing donated items, painting or housekeeping chores. We are also in need of those who would like to supervise events, this job requires your presence for a few hours to open the building and then secure the building following the rental. 

On Saturday, June 26, at 12:30 p.m. there will be an informational meeting held at the museum located at 1664 US Highway One with volunteer Karen Donato. Attendees will tour the facility and learn the basics about volunteering. If you are unable to meet at this time, we can arrange a more convenient time for you. This meeting does not obligate you in any way, but will answer any questions about the tasks available. The museum opens Saturday, June 26 and will continue every Thursday, Friday and Saturday from 1 p.m. until 4 through Labor Day. 

For more information call Donato at 207-694-6099.