Caribou area From our Files – Week of June 14, 2021

Beth Lacombe, Special to The County
4 years ago

100 Years Ago – June 15, 1921

New garage Mallicas Anderson is building a large garage on his lot on Station Street, Oscar Beckstrom is in charge of the construction.

Main Street has new sidewalk — A new sidewalk has been built on Main Street and across the stream under the supervision of Road Commissioner W.A. Gray. May the day soon come when Caribou will feel rich enough to supplant this antiquated structure by a new and modern bridge of iron and steel.

75 Years Ago – June 12, 1946

Nearly done planting — If weather permits, Vernon Shaw and Dyke Whitmore will finish planting their potatoes this week.

Grand Knight elected — Claude Lajoie was elected Grand Knight of the Caribou Knights of Columbus at the annual election of the organization last week.

50 Years Ago – June 15, 1971

Cancer campaign a record — Miss Margaret Caronth, chairman of the Limestone Cancer Crusade, announced that a record amount of $804.84 was realized in the campaign here.

City accepts gift Local and state officials recently discussed the merits of the new dam constructed at Collins Pond with flood control funds amounting to about $55,000 obtained through the New England Corps of Engineers. S.W. Collins was present as an owner of a local construction company which has ceded the waters of the pond to the city.

25 Years Ago – June 12, 1996

Instructor is recertified Mike Mendonca, an employee of Caribou Parks & Recreation Department, recently was recertified by the American College of Sports Medicine as a health/fitness instructor. According to Mendonca, the ACSM is one of the top three national organizations recognized for certifying fitness professionals.

Stockholm Historical Society Several members of the Stockholm Historical Society met with Pat Burdick, a staff archivist with Northeast Historic Films and independent consultant for the State of Maine Archives Regrant Program, at the museum on Monday to discuss ways of preserving documents, letters and photos on display.