Caribou area From our Files – Week of June 27, 2021

Beth Lacombe, Special to The County
4 years ago

115 Years Ago – June 27, 1906

Windmills — A.M. Sylvester and Harry Armstrong each purchased windmills from the P.B. Stevens Company in Auburn.

Record-setting tourist season  – – The summer traffic on the B & A was very heavy for this time of year. People were arriving daily to spend a vacation in northern Maine and the record number of visitors was expected to surpass previous years’ numbers.

100 Years Ago – June 30, 1921

New platform A new platform was built in front of the stores of F.J. Dionne and Mrs. Wilkins Millinery establishment to help customers have better access.

Graduates draw full house — It was doubtful if the P. of H. Opera House has ever held so many people as on Thursday evening when the Class of 1921 of Caribou High School students received their diplomas there. There was a full house for the event.

75 Years Ago – June 27, 1946

Large potato house — The Limestone Potato Company is building a potato house on Limestone Street in Caribou which is expected to hold 25,000 pounds of potatoes. Maurice Carp, owner of the Limestone Potato Company has been in the potato shipping business in Caribou for 40 years.

Nylander Museum of Caribou — The Nylander Museum Building on South Main Street is again being used for several purposes for which it was built. The Caribou Chamber of Commerce moved their headquarters from the M.D. McGrath Store to the museum, and it is hoped an attendant will be in the info booth in the lobby to aid tourists in northern Maine.

50 Years Ago – June 30, 1971

Burlock named director — Lawrence J. Burlock of Fort Fairfield was elected a director of the First National Bank of Aroostook at a June 22 meeting of the bank’s directors. Burlock is President of the General Supply Corporation and has been with the firm since 1960. He also serves as President of J. B. Properties.

Honored for 25 years of service Mr. Alfred Thomas of Northeastern Supply Company presented a gift of personalized jewelry to Carlton Miller in recognition of over 25 years of service to the company. Presentation of the gift was made at the annual company dinner on June 17.