What’s Happening in the Houlton area – Week of June 30, 2021

4 years ago

Wednesday, June 30

HOULTON: Criminal and Addictive Thinking, 1 p.m. at Aroostook Recovery Center of Hope, 59 Main St. FMI: sclayton@amhc.org, sholton@amhc.org or rspencer@amhc.org.

ONLINE: Savvy Caregiver, free Zoom class offered by Aroostook Agency on Aging, 6-8 p.m. For family caregivers. Call 764-3396 or 1-800-439-1789 to pre-register and receive a link.

Thursday, July 1

HOULTON: Coping with Anger, 2 p.m. at Aroostook Recovery Center of Hope, 59 Main St. FMI: sclayton@amhc.org, sholton@amhc.org or rspencer@amhc.org.

HOULTON: AA meeting, 7:30 p.m. at 1st Baptist Church, 46 Court St.

ONLINE: Bingocize, free online class combining bingo and moderate exercise, 10-11 a.m. Sponsored by Aroostook Agency on Aging, Healthy Living for ME and Aging ME. Individuals over 55 can register at 764-3396 or 1-800-439-1789 for a link.

Friday, July 2

HOULTON: Midnight Madness chicken barbecue at the American Legion on Bangor Street, 4-6 p.m. $12/person. Potato salad, beans, rolls, chicken, dessert and bottled water.

Saturday, July 3

HOULTON: NA meeting, 7 p.m. via Zoom, with Aroostook Recovery Center of Hope. FMI: 207-254-2213, cputnam@amhc.org, sholton@amhc.org.

LITTLETON: Houlton High School Class of 1981 reunion at the snowmobile club in Littleton. Happy hour 3-5 p.m., reunion starts at 7. FMI or if planning to attend, call Bob, 207-620-2062.

Sunday, July 4

HOULTON: AA meeting, 6 p.m. at Aroostook Recovery Center of Hope and via Zoom. FMI: 207-254-2213, cputnam@amhc.org, sholton@amhc.org.

Tuesday, July 6

HOULTON: Senior commodity food distribution by Aroostook Agency on Aging, 10-11 a.m. at St. Mary’s Catholic Church, 110 Military St. FMI: 764-3396.

HOULTON: AA meeting, 7:30-9 p.m. Tuesdays at First Baptist Church, 46 Court St. FMI: Mike, 889-0910.

ONLINE: Bingocize, free online class combining bingo and moderate exercise, 10-11 a.m. Sponsored by Aroostook Agency on Aging, Healthy Living for ME and Aging ME. Individuals over 55 can register at 764-3396 or 1-800-439-1789 for a link.

ONLINE: Brain Builders: You Can Make a Difference, online class, 11 a.m.-noon. Sponsored by Aroostook Agency on Aging and Aging ME. Call 764-3396 or 1-800-439-1789 to register or for a link.

Wednesday, July 7

ONLINE: Savvy Caregiver, free Zoom class offered by Aroostook Agency on Aging, 6-8 p.m. For family caregivers. Call 764-3396 or 1-800-439-1789 to pre-register and receive a link.

Thursday, July 8

HOULTON: Drive-thru job fair and strawberry shortcake, 11 a.m.-1 p.m., St. Mary’s Church parking lot. Need a job? Come for a free shortcake and a Community Living Association job application. On-site interviews. Rain date: July 9.

HOULTON: AA meeting, 7:30 p.m. at 1st Baptist Church, 46 Court St.

ONLINE: Bingocize, free online class combining bingo and moderate exercise, 10-11 a.m. Sponsored by Aroostook Agency on Aging, Healthy Living for ME and Aging ME. Individuals over 55 can register at 764-3396 or 1-800-439-1789 for a link.

Please submit your nonprofit event information to pbrewer@bangordailynews.com or to story@thecounty.me.