Ark Animal Sanctuary – Week of July 12, 2021

4 years ago

HOULTON, Maine — A few years back, the Ark Animal Sanctuary took in 15 cats from a hoarding situation. The conditions they came out of were not good and many of them were sick and none were altered.

It was a project that took weeks but in the end we were able to catch all 15, some were just tiny kittens. Getting 15 cats fully vetted was expensive but with your help we were able to do it. 

Sadly 3 of the cats passed away from F.I.P, others were adopted and some still reside at The Ark.  One cat in particular became everyone’s favorite. A beautiful black cat whom we named Jake. Jake was not a healthy cat and struggled with a very painful  mouth. His teeth had resorbed which is painful and he also had a severe case of stomatitis.  

After almost three years we were on the right path and Jake’s mouth was healing. He was such a trooper through all of his vet visits and medications . He didn’t let his circumstances get him down, his motor was always running and he was just a happy boy.

On Tuesday of this week Jake was in distress and we knew something was wrong. He was rushed to a vet two hours away. The outcome was not what we wanted to hear. Jake had saddle thrombus, a condition which strikes without warning and in Jake’s case was fatal. Our hearts were broken. 

Jake was such an inspiration to us all, even though he struggled with his health he never missed a beat. As our volunteer Margaret says he was truly a “Braveheart”. Jake will be cremated and his ashes will be brought back home to The Ark.

It was a volunteer who rushed Jake to a vet two hours away. That same volunteer held Jake as he took his last breath and crossed the rainbow bridge. On Tuesday a volunteer cleaned Jake’s empty bed and the tears would not stop. On Tuesday a volunteer put the wheels in motion to make sure that Jake is never forgotten.

Our volunteers are truly amazing. They give 100 percent and they do whatever it takes.  When an animal passes through our doors they become a part of our family, we love them and nurture them and help them live their best life. This is not a commitment we take lightly. Every time we loose one it affects us deeply. The world of animal rescue is not easy, it takes a special person to be able to do it. I am so proud of each and every volunteer at The Ark, they are amazing.  Jake loved them all dearly and they loved him.

Saddle Thrombus is not a disease we have ever heard of, but then again everyday we learn something new. Jake has educated us on this disease, perhaps that was his mission in life. This sweet loveable cat has left an impression on each and every one of us, we were very fortunate to have him in our lives and he will be missed greatly. Fly high sweet boy, we will meet again someday at the rainbow bridge.

Thank you for your continued support and as always thank you for reading our column.

The Ark Animal Sanctuary is located on 101 Old Woodstock Road. To contact Lorraine Monfils call 532-7387 or check out their Facebook page.