Houlton Town Council fails to field a quorum

4 years ago

HOULTON, Maine — The Houlton Town Council had to postpone its meeting scheduled for Monday, July 12, after the group failed to field a quorum. The board will now meet Wednesday, July 14, at 6 p.m.

The council was short two people during Monday’s gathering, with councilors Dennis Harmon and chairman Chris Robinson absent for the meeting. With a council seat left vacant by Nate Bodenstab’s departure, only four councilors were present Monday, which was not enough to hold the meeting.

Robinson’s absence was due to his participation in the Wilderness Walk for Warriors project in the Katahdin area, of which he is the director. Harmon emailed the council members in the morning of July 12 to state he would be away and would try to join the meeting via Zoom, but did not appear virtually at the scheduled start of the meeting. 

The remaining council members decided to postpone the meeting until Wednesday due to failing to reach a quorum. Agenda items include accepting the annual audit, approval of liquor and victualer license for a new Market Square restaurant, and a report on the Fire/EMS Advisory Committee by Town Manager Marian Anderson.