Baptist Park in full swing

4 years ago

After experiencing summer camp through Zoom calls last year, camp staff and campers at Baptist Park are excited to be back in person. 

Overnight camping was held July 4 to 9. The rest of the summer camp season, which started July 13,  will be conducted as day camping for area youth ages 4-13 who are able to attend on the days assigned their age groups.

Baptist Park was very active last week, which was its first week open this summer. Here two young men are scambling across the park’s challenging rock wall.
(Courtesy of Terry Sandusky)

Campers will arrive each day by 9 a.m. and leave camp at 4 p.m.  There are three age groups: 4-7, 8-10 and 11-13.  

Ages 4-7 (The Puddle Jumpers) will attend July 14, 21 and 28.  Ages 8-10 started July 13 and will meet July 22 and 29.  Ages 11-13 will attend July 15, 20 and 27.  Each age group will be engaged in age-appropriate activities that include arts and crafts, outdoor games and pool time at the park’s swimming pool.  A hot, nutritious lunch will be served to each camper.

One of the fun and exciting activities at Baptist Park is its zip line. Here a camper zips back to the launch tower.
(Courtesy of Terry Sandusky)

To register for camp, log on to the Baptist Park web page and complete the registration form at  There are a set of frequently asked questions that will help parents and campers learn about preparing and attending camp.  

There is scholarship assistance for any family unable to pay the camp fee.  No camper will be turned away for inability to pay for camp attendance.  Individuals with specific questions may also call the camp at 764-1832.

During the pandemic, many volunteers updated several areas of Baptist Park, including remodeling the recreation hall, where these campers play foosball.
(Courtesy of Terry Sandusky)

Terry Sandusky is the Star-Herald correspondent for Mapleton, Chapman and Castle Hill and can be reached at 764-4916 or at