The mysterious language of cats

Gail Wieder, Special to The County
3 years ago

The secret language of cats stretches far further than “meow.”  From ear twitches to slow blinks, cats have special ways of communicating that you have to be either a cat expert or a cat owner to understand. 

Cats are mysterious creatures and there is still an awful lot we do not know about them.  What we do know, however, can inform us about when our cats need a little extra love and affection versus when it is time to call the vet for a checkup.

I found all this and more on a site called by Abigail P. Read on to learn more about the secret language of cats and how they communicate with you.

The Slow Blink — Cat lovers often spend a significant portion of their day telling their cats that they love them and waiting for them to say “I love you” back.  The words may never actually leave their mouths, but they do in fact have a special way of returning the sentiment.  Cats make many gestures with their eyes, and one of these is a slow blink.  If your cat looks at you and slowly closes then opens their eyes, this is their way of showing their love for you.  If they stare for too long, however, they may be threatening you — in which case, it’s best to look away.

The Paw Press — Kittens and cats love to press their paws against the soft parts of your body.  Sometimes this can be comforting, while other times, it can be a little uncomfortable.  For your cat, kneading your body in this way is incredibly comforting.  When kittens are born, they press on their mother’s breasts while they are drinking their milk.  Experts believe that they imitate this action with their owners when they are stressed and seeking comfort, or when they are relaxed.

The Curious Sniff — Cats seem to spend a significant amount of time having a sniff of whatever is going on around them.  They are often particularly fond of snatching a whiff of their owners.  If your cat sniffs you, be reassured that it is because they find you comforting.  When cats are in the presence of strangers or are in an unfamiliar environment, they like to search for smells which are familiar and comforting.   This is why they may come up to our face to breathe in your scent.  It helps them feel more at ease as they find comfort in you and your natural smell.

I hope if you own a cat, or a cat owns you, that you find these facts interesting.  You may already be aware of some of these things, but there are so many interesting facts about these creatures.  Stay tuned for Part Two of the Mysterious Language of Cats.

Be responsible: have your furry friend spay or neutered.  

Check out the Central Aroostook Humane Society, and there you may find the pet of your dreams.

Gail Wieder is a member of the board for the Central Aroostook Humane Society.