Houlton Criminal Docket – September 2021

3 years ago

HOULTON, Maine — The following cases were heard under the Aroostook Criminal Docket at the Houlton Courthouse in September.

Randy L. Smith, 62, Patten: unlawful furnishing of scheduled drugs, 15 months in prison, probation partially revoked.

Jarrod E. Jamieson, 33, Holden: probation violation, probation continued.

Nicholas Castiliego, 39, Orient: assault, $300 fine, 30 days in jail, all suspended.

Richard A. Anderson, 61, Oakfield: reckless conduct,  dismissed; driving to endanger, dismissed; operate while license suspended or revoked, prior; criminal mischief, dismissed.

Jennifer M. Carter, 36, Smyrna Mills: operating under the influence (alcohol), two priors, $1100 fine, 30 days in jail, license suspended six years, registration suspended.

Michael A. Hay, 40, Enfield: operating under the influence, (drugs or combo),  dismissed.

Kevin E. Page, 59, Hancock: domestic violence stalking, dismissed; domestic violence assault, dismissed; violating condition of release, dismissed; violating condition of release, dismissed.

Colby C. Clark, 31, New Limerick: operating under the influence (drugs or combo), dismissed.

Jenny Chambers, 30, Houlton: unlawful trafficking in scheduled drugs, dismissed.

Ashley Belyea, 34, Houlton: aggravated trafficking of scheduled drugs, dismissed; unlawful possession of heroin, $400 fine, 12 months prison; unlawful possession of methamphetamine, $400 fine, susp $400, 12 months prison; unlawful possession of scheduled drug, three counts, dismissed; criminal forfeiture of property, dismissed.

Pedro J. Rosario, 62, Providence RI: aggravated trafficking of scheduled drugs, $25,000 fine, 25 years in prison, all but 15 years suspended, probation four years.

Patrick Kelly Rocheleau, 53, Houlton: aggravated assault, dismissed.

Emily M. Ellenberg-Settembri, 31, Houlton: failing to stop for officer, dismissed. 

Douglas Drake, 56, New Limerick: domestic violence assault, dismissed; endangering the welfare of a child, dismissed.

Constance R. Drake, 57, New Limerick: domestic violence assault, dismissed; endangering the welfare of a child, dismissed; disorderly conduct, offensive words, gestures, $100 fine.

Jenny Chambers, 30, Houlton: aggravated trafficking of scheduled drugs, dismissed; unlawful trafficking of scheduled drugs, dismissed; violating condition of release, unconditional discharge; unlawful furnishing of scheduled drug, three years in prison, all suspended, two years probation. 

Christopher D. McNally, 37, Stacyville: theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, 24 hours in jail.

Richard L. Merchant,41, Limestone: violating condition of release, dismissed.

Christopher Levesque, 30, Van Buren: disorderly conduct, offensive words, gestures, $300 fine. 

Richard A. Anderson, 61, Oakfield: unlawful trafficking in scheduled drugs, dismissed; unlawful possession of methamphetamine, dismissed; violating condition of release, dismissed.

Michael J. Bidlack, 44, Eagle Lake: tampering with witness, informant, juror or victim, dismissed; violating condition of release, dismissed.

Daniel W. Boucher, 57, Madawaska: operating under the influence (alcohol), dismissed.

Shaun Sylvain, 39, Houlton: aggravated assault, dismissed; assault, two charges, $300 fine.

Mark Robert Brown, 46, Hodgdon: operating while license suspended or revoked, $250 fine.

Carol Sanford, 54, Houlton: criminal threatening with a dangerous weapon, dismissed; criminal threatening, 180 days in jail, all suspended, one year probation.

Mark Robert Brown, 46, Hodgdon: operating while license suspended or revoked, dismissed..

Amber R. Hallett, 29, Ludlow: aggravated forgery, dismissed.

Shaun Sylvain, 39, Houlton: burglary, dismissed; violating condition of release, dismissed; domestic violence assault, dismissed; violating condition of release, dismissed; theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, dismissed.

Scott A. Shaffer, 55, Houlton: operating under the influence (alcohol) $500 fine, license suspended 150 days, 48 hours jail.

Shaun Sylvain, 39, Houlton: violating conditions of release, two years prison, all but 49 days suspended, two years probation; domestic violence stalking, dismissed.

Victoria L. Gurney, 32, Strong: operating under the influence, one prior, $700 fine, seven days in jail, license suspended three years; operating while license suspended or revoked, dismissed. 

Chad W. Giberson Sr., 48, Blaine: operating while license suspended or revoked, $250 fine; violating condition of release, 12 days in jail.

Christopher R. Drew, 43, Ludlow: unlawful trafficking in scheduled drugs, $400 fine, three years prison, all but 45 days suspended, three years probation, $2,581.35 restitution; possession of methamphetamine, $400 fine, 45 days in jail.

Ashley Belyea, 34, Houlton: aggravated trafficking of scheduled drugs, dismissed; violating condition of release, dismissed; criminal forfeiture of property, dismissed; unlawful trafficking in scheduled drugs, $400 fine, prison eight years all but three years suspended, probation two years.

Emmalynne M. Drake,18, Houlton: passing stopped school bus, dismissed.

Allen B. Acott, 53, Linneus: hunting moose after having killed one, $1,000 fine.

Jeffrey Acott, 34, Houlton: Shoot from motor vehicle, $250 fine; discharge firearm or crossbow near dwelling, $250 fine; hunting on a Sunday, dismissed.

Karla J. Flanders, 52, Linneus: burglary, 60 days in jail, probation partially revoked.

Travis L. Cottle, 35, Houlton: stealing drugs, 12 months in prison; unlawful possession of scheduled drug, six months in jail; eluding an officer, 12 months in prison; operating after habitual offender revocation, $400 fine; 30 days in jail; violating condition of release, 30 days in jail.

Breanna B. Cullen, 26, Island Falls: theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, dismissed.

Christopher Condon, 39, Linneus: theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, $100 fine, restitution $59.76.

Keith J. Hayes, 40, Littleton: shoot firearm, bow and arrow, or crossbow over way, $300 fine.

Terri A. Dunn, 56, Houlton: operating under the influence (alcohol), dismissed;  reckless conduct, $1,000 fine.

Daniel Nason, 29, Houlton: aggravated assault, dismissed; criminal mischief, $250 restitution; assault, $750 fine.

John W. Delong, 58, Bridgewater: night hunting, dismissed; shooting from motor vehicle, $150 fine.

Brady Gregory Tully, 45, Haynesville: assault, $300 fine: criminal threatening, $300 fine.

George Douglas Lacasse, 41, Caribou: criminal mischief, $200 fine, 48 hours in jail.

Madeline Gauvin, 32, Van Buren: theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, 48 hours in jail, $581.07 in restitution.

Seth Rand, 21, Ludlow: assault, $300 fine.

Michael Godfrin, 30, Orient: violating protection from abuse order, dismissed;  violating protection from abuse order, three days in jail.

Hakeem Cantave, 27, Sherman: domestic violence criminal threatening, dismissed; domestic violence reckless conduct, dismissed.

Haslam alexandra J. Brown, 22, Dayton: unlawful possession of scheduled drug, $600 fine; unlawful possession of scheduled drug, dismissed.

Ashley Belyea, 34, Houlton: violating condition of release, 30 days in jail.

Alan Peacock, 54, Haynesville: attaching false plates, $150 fine.

Travis L. Cottle, 35, Houlton: unlawful possession of heroin, dismissed, unlawful possession of methamphetamine, dismissed.

Brandon A. Dimick, 29, Oakfield: domestic violence assault, priors dv, prison 36 months, all but nine months one day suspended, probation two years; obstructing report of crime, dismissed; refusing to submit to arrest or deten., physical force, dismissed. 

Brandon Dimick, 29, Oakfield: violating condition of release; violating protection from abuse order, 14 days in jail.

Brandon Dimick, 29, Oakfield; refusing to submit to arrest or deten., refusing to stop, dismissed.

Nicholas Craig, 19, Houlton: furnishing liquor to a minor, dismissed; violating protection from abuse order, dismissed; violating condition of release, dismissed.

Nathan J. Lagasse, 22, Old Town: operating under the influence (alcohol), $500 fine, license suspended 150 days.

Jay Batchelder, 47, Island Falls: violating condition of release, 48 hours in jail.

Dianna A. Bishop, 77, Houlton: fail to stop, remain, provide information, $750 fine.

Olivia Lee Babin, 39, Madawaska: theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, $150 fine.

Philip C. Sennett, 42, Houlton: possession of hypodermic apparatuses, dismissed.

Richard C. Cummings, 32, Houlton: criminal mischief; $200 fine, $250 restitution.

Linda D. Rosen, 63, Ludlow: unlawful possession of scheduled drug, $500 fine.

Jessica L. Peacock, 38, Haynesville: attaching false plates, $150 fine.

Sandra Shain, 61, Bancroft: burn without permit, $100 fine.

Daniel Guiggy, 63, Stacyville: assault, $300 fine; criminal mischief, $200 fine.

Karla J. Flanders, 52, Houlton: escape, dismissed.

Michael Bartlett, 36, Weston: failure to register vehicle, $150 fine.

Ted D. Tremblay, 59, Island Falls: operate vehicle without license, $150 fine.

Bryan S. Tardiff, 27, Portland: operating while license suspended or revoked, $250 fine; violating condition of release, 48 hours in jail.

Travis L. Cottle, 35, Houlton: aggravated assault, prison 18 months; criminal threatening with dangerous weapon, 18 months in prison; violating condition of release, 30 days in jail; criminal threatening with  a dangerous weapon, 18 months in prison.

Melissa J. Shields, 41, Houlton: operating a vehicle without license, $100 fine.

Nicholas Craig, 19, Houlton: assault, dismissed; violating condition of release, dismissed.

Donald Watson, 36, Houlton: retaliation against witness informant, victim, juror, dismissed; assault, dismissed.

Nichole Fletcher, 31, New Limerick: violating condition of release, dismissed.

Daniel C. Marley, 35, Houlton: domestic violence assault, dismissed; violating condition of release, dismissed. 

Joshua A. Suitter, 21, Houlton: disorderly conduct, offensive words, gestures, 48 hours in jail; refusing to submit to arrest or detent., physical force, 48 hours in jail.

Travis L. Cottle, 35, Houlton: burglary of a motor vehicle, six months in jail, $836 restitution;  theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, six months in jail.

Darin C. Doherty, 52, Denison TX: fugitive from justice, dismissed.

Jeremy W. Bither, 38, Hodgdon: carry passenger on ATV without headgear, $200 fine.

William H. Hanington, 65, Reed Plt: operate ATV on land of another without permission, $100 fine.

Jason Allen Gray, 54, Hodgdon: littering, $250 fine.

Amos Maillett, 44, Fryeburg: operate unregistered motor boat, $200 fine.

William Briggs, 64, Hersey: operating unregistered ATV, $200 fine.