Caribou area From our Files – Week of June 1, 2022

3 years ago

115 Years Ago – May 30, 1907

Returned from trip — W. R. Smith of the firm Hines & Smith Company returned Friday from a trip to Patten, Sherman Mills, Houlton, Bridgewater, Monticello and Mars Hill where he had been on a business trip, calling on the agents of the company in the towns named.

Improvements being made — Jos. Solomon of Houlton, who recently purchased the building on Sweden street of Peter Sodergren, is in town this week. He will make several changes in the structure, already building on an addition, and will shortly open to the public under the firm name of Solomon Bros. They will conduct two stores, in one carrying a full line of gents furnishings, and in the other store will carry a large assortment of groceries and provisions..

100 Years Ago – June 1, 1922

Under new management — H. T. Fogg of Bangor, formerly connected with the Great Northern Paper Co., as superintendent of farms, also Mr. Buckley of Caribou have purchased the Vaughan House from Warren Cobb of Guilford, formerly proprietor of this popular hostlery, and took possession today, June 1. Both Mr. Fogg and Mr. Buckley are experienced hotel men; under their management the Vaughan House is sure to sustain its well-earned reputation as one of the best hotels north of Bangor. J. A. Magill, who has conducted the Vaughan for the past five years will go to Portage lake where he will cater to sporting parties, picnicers, ets.

Recent trip brought good ideas to light — While on her recent trip to Massachusetts, Mrs. Ada M. Britten, the very competent librarian at the Caribou Public Library, visited several libraries in different cities, among which were the Boston Public Library, the Somerville and West Somerville libraries, the latter being especially for Tufts College. Taking a deep interest, as she does, in all things connected with her work, Mrs. Britten received many new and valuable ideas which will reflect themselves later on in our own library.

75 Years Ago – May 29, 1947

Local VFW Post receives a gift of $100. — Ivan Bennett, Commander of the Lister-Knowlton Post, VFW, issued an order of thanks today in a statement to the Republican for a gift of $100. Presented to their unit by Ray Harmon. Bennett stated the donation was presented to the newly organized post to help start a fund for the purchase of a building or home for members. He also stated the gift was most graciously received because of the spontaneousness of the giver.

New fire truck arrives — Caribou’s new fire truck, with bus type front, was unloaded here Monday morning and has been receiving tune-up, and road and pumping checks for the past few days. The new truck ordered over a year ago cost the town approximately $11,000. It is equipped with a 500 gallon water tank, house, ladders, 750 gal. per min. Pumper and other standard equipment. Fire Chief Elray DeMerchant states this truck, Number 4, will be used in answering alarms first because of its ease in getting around and its supply of water carried for small or rural fires.

25 Years Ago – May 28, 1997

Money for glasses —  The VFW in Caribou recently donated over $1,500 to the Lions Club for help with a special eyesight project. The club is getting together money to help needy people who need glasses be able to obtain them. John Holmquist, President of the Club, was there to accept the check from Don McDougal, treasurer of post 9389.

Yusef’s to reopen — July; that’s the anticipated deadline for the reopening of one of Caribou’s more popular former restaurants. Officials from the Caribou Development Corporation recently announced what was known for years and to thousands as Yusef’s Restaurant, will be reopened this summer by the Caribou restaurateur who originally made the Bennett Drive location so famous and popular. Joe Hackett’s Yusef’s, the 400 seat dining establishment, expects to resume operations by mid-July. The new Yusef’s is expected to employ from 65 to 75 employees. In addition to the 28 now working at Hackett’s Route 1 location. 40 to 50 will be added to the staff at the Bennett Drive location.