Caribou area From our Files – Week of June 22, 2022

3 years ago

115 Years Ago – June 20, 1907

Teddy bear craze has struck — The ‘Teddy Bear’ craze has struck Caribou. Clark & Jerrard have a window full of these little animals and they are attracting a lot of attention.

 A change in jobs — Miss Jennie Obey, who has been employed for the past two years in the Caribou Restaurant and Bakery, left on Wednesday of last week for Waterville, where she will be employed in a music store.

100 Years Ago – June 22, 1922

Accepted a position — Miss Catherine Nadeau has accepted a position with the Caribou Water Light and Power Co.

Entering the lumber business — Hermes Bouchard, Frank Therriault and Elmer Cox left Wednesday of last week to join a lumber crew formed by Mr. Hammond of Van Buren. They go from there to Eureka, California, where they will enter the lumber business.

75 Years Ago – June 19, 1947

Supt. A.A. Spaulding resigns after serving union 19 years — At a meeting of the joint school boards of Union No. 125, including Caswell, New Sweden, Stockholm, Westmanland and Woodland, held in the town hall of new Sweden, A.A. Spaulding announced that he did not wish to submit his name for the re-election as superintendent of the union. Mr. Spaulding has served the towns faithfully for 19 years and it was with deep regret that his resignation was accepted.

Air base builders to erect 8 acres of homes for foremen — The Lane Construction company announced that is is buying 8 acres of land on a hill near the town of Limestone for erection of 25 or 30 four and five room homes for superintendents and foreman of the Lane and the Cunningham companies, which are associated in building the new bomber base. Mrs. Elizabeth Clark has agreed to sell the parcel, which has five acres of potatoes seeded in it this spring.

25 Years Ago – June 18, 1997

Check presented — Cardiac Rehab patient Fred Patterson Sr. of Caribou presented a check to Cary Medical Center’s Cardiac Rehab Department. The donation will be used toward purchasing future equipment. There to receive the check was Paula Parent, cardiopulmonary rehab nurse.

Raffle winner — The Caribou BPW recently sponsored a bake sale and raffle to support raising funds for community projects. Joyce Knorr, BPW ways and means chair, and Shelley O’Rourke, BPW president, presented a three-month health club membership, donated by the Caribou Inn and Convention Center, to winner Lee Guerrette.