Houlton area From our Files – Week of June 22, 2022

3 years ago

 115 Years Ago – June 26, 1907

Thunderstorm causes fire – During a severe thunderstorm at 5 o’clock Monday afternoon the farm buildings of Gordon Neal of Greenville Junction, New Brunswick, were struck by lightning and totally destroyed by fire, entailing a loss of $6,000, with an insurance of $1,600.  There was no one at home at the time, and very little was saved. 

75 Years Ago – June 19, 1947

Receives honors For Houlton B. & P.W. Club – Miss Freda M. Grant, president of the Houlton Business and Professional Women’sClub, returned recently from Naples where she attended the annual convention of the Maine Federation. Miss Grant was a member of the nominating committee for this year and was appointed secretary of the 1947-48 nominating committee. At the banquet Saturday, State Federation President Marv C. Ahern presented Miss Grant with the gong for the Houlton club, having increased its membership 100 percent for the year. This is the first time the Houlton club has received this honor. 

Dr. Gagnon named medical examiner –  Dr. Bernard H. Gagnon was nominated to the position of medical examiner for Aroostook County by Gov. Horace Hildreth Monday to fill the position left vacant by the death of Dr. Frank H. Jackson. The nomination will be acted upon at the next meeting of the Executive Council. Dr. Gagnon began his practice in Houlton in 1939, coming here from Patten. He enlisted in the medical corps of the U.S. Army soon after the outbreak of the war and served on active duty for 42 months. He resumed active practice here Immediately after his discharge.

50 Years Ago – June 21, 1972

Four are named to UMFK list –  Four students from the area have been named to the dean’s list of the University of Maine at Fort Kent for the spring semester. Attaining a point average of 3.0 or better were Donald Adams and Ann Morse of Patten, Anna Gadbois of Sherman Mills, and Randall Cullins of Sherman Station.

Democrats select Kelley new chairman –  The Aroostook County Democratic Committee has elected State Rep. Peter S. Kelley of Caribou as the new Aroostook County Democratic Chairman. Also elected were: Francis Freeman of Fort Kent as vice chairman for Northern Aroostook, Dan Patterson of Presque Isle as vice chairman for Central Aroostook, and Jean Buesing of Houlton as vice chairman for Southern Aroostook.

25 Years Ago – July 2, 1997

Oakfield readies for 100th – Oakfield is a small town with a population of about 885. This quaint, sleepy little town is about to celebrate! It’s 100 years old this year and the citizens of the town want the world to know they’re proud to be a part of its centennial history.

League championship won by Houlton Water Co. – Coach Bob Cottle guided his team to a third consecutive Town Championship title last Monday night, with a 13-3 win over Houlton Elks Club. Having previously held the helm of the Key Bank team, Cottle’s team became the Houlton Water Company when the Bambino League underwent changes. The Houlton Water Company were the National League winners, and went head-to-head with the American Champs, Houlton Elks Club.