Buying votes

3 years ago

To the editor:

Gov. Newsom of California was so unpopular that he was recently facing a recall election. His Democratic liberal policies were causing havoc among the state’s populace. What to do?

He proposed a huge stimulus check be given to the downtrodden, hardworking taxpayers of California. Presto chango, the recall effort failed and he’s still in power making liberal policies that are crushing Californians and will continue to cost them for decades to come.

A similar story is playing out here in Maine. Our prestigious governor, Janet Mills, has gone along with Biden’s “progressive” liberal policies which have plunged Maine and the nation into a recession. We’re paying more than double for gas and heating oil, which has caused oppressive price hikes in just about every facet of our lives. Rent prices here in Maine have risen astronomically, as much as 30 percent. Housing prices have skyrocketed as have costs for groceries, autos and daycare.

What to do? What to do? Surprise, surprise. Instead of creative steps to cut inflation, Mills did as Biden — sending stimulus money to try to make up for their failures. Where did they get all this money? It wasn’t through brilliant political legislation but from money the hardworking taxpayers will have to repay.

Every voter this November will have to decide if their vote can be bought for a measly $850. Will it be worth it when you have to pay your home heating bills at $1,200 a refill? or when your rent increases for a year cost $1,600 or more? Or when gas rises to more than $6 a gallon as experts are predicting?

This governor, as well as almost all Democrats, needs to go. Because despite what comes out of their mouths, they vote as a solid block for Biden’s new green deal, agenda which any fool can see we are nowhere near ready for now.

Clare Kierstead
Presque Isle