National Honor students plant flowers for Main Streets in Island Falls, Patten

3 years ago

PATTEN, Maine – Main Streets in Patten and Island Falls once again have students to thank for their beautification.

National Honor Society students from Katahdin High School recently spent several hours at the home of David Michaud and Rae Bates in Patten with their advisor Rowena Harvey planting geraniums, petunias, and vinca vine in 20 barrels to be placed on Main Street.

The following week NHS students from Southern Aroostook Community High School met with their advisor Hillary Lane at the home of Steve and Andrea Edwards to get the same flowers in barrels that will line Main Street in Island Falls.  

“NHS students have done this project for the last nine years to make a contribution to their communities and are able to do so because businesses and individuals make generous donations that allow for the purchase of barrels, soil, and plants,” said Rae Bates, one of the event organizers. “These barrels are then maintained throughout the summer with daily watering provided by the northern division of  Independence Advocates of Maine (IAM).”

National Honor Society students from Southern Aroostook Community High School met with their advisor Hillary Lane at the home of Steve and Andrea Edwards to get flowers in barrels that will line Main Street in Island Falls. Taking part are, from left, Hillary Lane, NHS advisor; and students Laura Lyons, Jordyn Legassey, Esther Greene, Alexia MacClaren, Shayna McMannus, Dylan Burpee, Hunter Burpee and Camden Porter.
(Courtesy of Rae Bates)

The workers at IAM, under the supervision of the Direct Support Personnel, water these barrels of plants Monday through Friday. While the project provides local residents and visitors with a beautification component to the area, none of it would be possible without the daily work done by IAM workers, nor without the generous contributions of donors.

“This year one of the barrels placed in Island Falls was donated in memory of Brian Wing, who had been a dedicated employee of Green Valley Association and who is deeply missed by all,” Bates said. 

Donors from for this project came from the following businesses and individuals: Katahdin Trust Company, IAM, Island Falls Fish and Game Club, Island Falls Free Wheelers ATV Club, The Town of Island Falls, Benjamin and Jessica Greene, Patrick Hunt, Margaret Phillips, Debra L. Dwyer, and Andrea Edwards.

In Patten some of the barrels were donated in memory of Lyman, Sr., Julia, and Calvin Botting; Brian Wing; Vera Finch; Mickey and Louise Fogg; and Vicky Bates by the following organizations and people: Patten Historical Society; Dr. Blum and Mary Lou Evitts, Patten Drug, Co.; Steve and Cheryl Anderson; Ellis Family, Inc.;  Katahdin Trust Company; Independence Advocates of Maine; Katahdin Valley Health Care; Janelle, Tinkham;  Rowena Harvey; Steve and Vicky Richardson, Virginia Richardson, Barbara (Fogg) Edwards; David Michaud; and Rae Bates.