Caribou Criminal Docket – January 2022

3 years ago

CARIBOU, Maine – The following cases were heard under the Aroostook Criminal Docket at the Caribou Courthouse during the month of January.

Thomas Pond, 38, Presque Isle: Aggravated trafficking of scheduled drugs, dismissed; unlawful possession of cocaine base, $1,000 fine, 200 days in jail, $120 restitution.

Suzanne Scott, 54, Caribou: Theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, (two counts), dismissed (both accounts)

Brittany Sirois, 29, Green Bay, Wisconsin: Stealing drugs, dismissed.

Wayne Stanley, 68, Caribou: Domestic violence assault, dismissed; obstructing report of a crime, dismissed; disorderly conduct, offensive words, gestures, $300 fine.

Rocky Lee Hill Jr., 46, Mapleton: Theft by receiving stolen property, 12 months in prison.

Robert D. Belmain, 54, Caribou: Operating after habitual offender revocation, six months in prison.

Ashley D. Rivers, 33, Woodland: Domestic violence criminal threatening, filed without costs.

Herbert E. Brown, 43, Woodland: Domestic violence assault, dismissed; disorderly conduct, offensive words, gestures, $300 fine.

Suzanne Scott, 54, Caribou: Theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, dismissed; violating condition of release, dismissed; theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, dismissed.

Brandon A. Donovan, 26, Caribou: Unlawful possession of scheduled drug,(two counts) $400 fine (each count); violating condition of release, unconditional discharge; unlawful possession of scheduled drugs, $500 fine, 180 days in jail, one year probation.

Brian T. Keenan, 43, Caribou: Unlawful trafficking in scheduled drugs (two counts), dismissed (both counts); unlawful possession of methamphetamine, $400 fine, 24 months in prison, all but 231 days suspended, two year probation; unlawful possession of methamphetamine, dismissed; criminal forfeiture of property. 

David G. St. Pierre, 58, Washington: Operating while license suspended or revoked, dismissed.

Alexsea Cholewa, 27, Caribou: Aggravated trafficking of scheduled drugs, dismissed; aggravated trafficking of scheduled drugs, $6,000 fine, 14 years in prison all but five years, 6 months suspended, four years probation, $500 restitution, aggravated trafficking of scheduled drugs, $1,000 fine, five years 6 months in prison; criminal forfeiture of property.

Philip McDougal, 33, Caribou: operating while license suspended or revoked, $250 fine, 10 days in jail; violating condition of release, 10 days in jail.

Robert D. Belmain, 54, Caribou: Operating after habitual offender revocation, $1,000 fine, suspended, six months in jail; violating condition of release, 30 days in prison.

Robert D. Belmain, 54, Caribou: Operating after habitual offender revocation, $1,000 fine, suspended, six months in jail.

Gilman F. Roy Jr., 39, Van Buren: Aggravated criminal mischief, dismissed; aggravated criminal mischief, dismissed; criminal mischief, unconditional discharge.

Ashley E. Spinney, 38, Caribou: Endangering the welfare of a child, dismissed; reckless conduct.

Shayne M. Hathaway, 33, Augusta: Oui (alcohol), 12 months in prison; aggravated operating after revocation, dismissed; violating conditions of release, 30 days in prison; aggravated operating after revocation, $1,400 fine, five years in prison, all but 12 months suspended, two years probation, license suspended six years, registration suspended.

Joseph Levesque, 35, Van Buren: Criminal trespass, $200 fine; refusing to submit arrest, physical force, $200 fine; violating condition of release, dismissed; attaching false plates, $150 fine.

Dawn Margaret Dougan, 63, Mapleton: Oui (alcohol), dismissed; reckless conduct, $750 fine.

Alan R. Decambra, 47, Limestone: Operating a vehicle without a license, $250 fine.

Tyler Anderson, 40, New Sweden: Unauthorized dissemination of private images, $700 fine.

Chad Bradg, 46, Washburn: Violating condition of release, 24 hours in jail.

Jeffrey H. Chasse, 50, Fort Fairfield: Theft by receiving stolen property, 45 days in jail.

Christopher J. Johndro, 46, Limestone: Burglary, dismissed.

Jeffrey H. Chasse, 50, Fort Fairfield: Theft by receiving stolen property, three years in jail, all but 45 days suspended, two years probation, $1,136.99 restitution; violating condition of release, 30 days in jail. 

Travis Thomas, 40, Caribou: Domestic violence assault, dismissed; disorderly conduct, offensive words, gestures, $200 fine.

Braeden Thibodeau, 22, Caribou: Speeding 30-plus over speed limit, dismissed; driving to endanger, dismissed.

Jayna L. Bosse, 32, Limestone: Criminal trespass, filed without cost.

John S. King, 43, Caribou: Displaying fictitious vehicle certificate, $150 fine; Violating condition of release $250 fine.

Philip McDougal, 33, Caribou: operating vehicle while license suspended or revoked, dismissed; violating condition of release, dismissed.

Philip McDougal, 33, Caribou: Operating vehicle while license suspended or revoked, $250 fine, 10 days in jail.

Jacob Dean Dow, 21, Presque Isle: Unlawful possession of scheduled drug, $400 fine, 30 days in jail; violating condition of release, $250 fine; five days in jail.

Kevin H. Sperrey, 62, Washburn: Domestic violence assault, dismissed; disorderly conduct, offensive words, gestures, $300 fine.

Aaron M. Desplaines, 44, Van Buren: Violating protection from abuse order, $600 fine.

Tony L. Dubuc, 34, Blaine: Criminal mischief, 48 hours in jail, $150 restitution.

Chad Bragg, 46, Washburn: violating condition of release, seven days in jail.

Alexsea J. Cholewa, 28, Caribou: Unlawful possession of fentanyl Powder, $500 fine, two years in prison; unlawful possession of scheduled drug, $500 fine, six months in jail; violating condition of release, 30 days in jail.

David M. Berkeley, 32, Caribou: Aggravated trafficking of scheduled drugs, (two counts), dismissed (both counts); criminal forfeiture of property, dismissed.

Jeffrey H. Chasse, 50, Caribou: Violating condition of release, $250 fine; attaching false plates, $150 fine.

Jeffrey H. Chasse, 50, Caribou: Violating condition of release, dismissed.

David Berkley, 32, Caribou: Eluding an officer, dismissed; driving to endanger, dismissed; Speeding 30-plus over speed limit; Operating while license suspended or revoked, dismissed.

Philip ML. McDougal, 33, Caribou: Operating vehicle while license suspended or revoked, $500 fine, 10 days in jail; violating condition of release, 10 days in jail.

Leo St. Peter, 78, Caribou: Unlawful sexual touching, dismissed; assault, $400 fine, 180 days in jail, all suspsended, one year administrative release.

Olivia Lee Babin, 39, Wallagrass: Theft by deception, $125 fine, $100 restitution; violating condition of release, $125 fine.

Jacob Lavoie, 26, Caribou: Operating ATV under the influence, $500 fine.

Philip McDougal, 33, Caribou: Violating condition of release, 10 days in jail; operating while license  suspended or revoked, $500 fine, 10 days in jail.

Brittany A. Turcotte, 25, Perham: Criminal trespass, filed without costs.

Danielle Churchill, 34, Limestone: Domestic violence assault, dismissed; disorderly conduct, offensive words, gestures, $750 fine.

Brian Keenan, 43, Caribou: Violating condition of release, dismissed.

Joey E. Thibodeau, 51, Caribou: Operating while license suspended or revoked, dismissed.

Matthew Tweedie, 36, Blaine: Failure to register motor vehicle, $150 fine.

Jeffrey Bella, 52, Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania: Hunting without a valid license, $100 fine; possession of animal/ bird, $100 fine.

Matthew Evans, 57, Palermo: Shooting from motor vehicle, $100 fine.