Houlton Criminal Docket – January 2022

3 years ago

HOULTON, Maine – The following cases were heard under the Aroostook Criminal Docket at the Houlton Courthouse during the month of January.

Randolph G. Tapley II, 38, Houlton: Probation violation, 30 months in prison, probation partially revoked.

Chad Bragg, 46, Washburn: Violating condition of release, dismissed; violating protection from abuse order, $500 fine.

Joshua V. Burgos, 40, Cary: Failing to stop for officer, $500 fine.

Gilbert Matthew Roy, 34, Houlton: Endangering the welfare of a child, dismissed.

Rebecca Robinson, 25, Danforth: Burglary. Dismissed.

Jonathan Totten, 41, New Limerick: Unlawful furnishing of scheduled drugs, $1,000 fine, four years prison, all but 60 days suspended, two years probation.

Katie M. Tingley, 28, Milo: Disorderly conduct, offensive words, gestures, $300 fine.

Jeremy R. Lau, 45, Sherman: Burning prohibited material, 48 hours in jail, $1,168 restitution.

Dustin Morgan, 45, Sherman: Oui (drugs or combo), dismissed; Operating while license suspended or revoked, $500 fine, license suspended 150 days.

JEnnifer J. Savoy, 38, Houlton: Unlawful possession of scheduled drug, dismissed.

Terry W. Smith, 60, Patten: Attaching false plates, dismissed.

Brittany M. Vargas, 23, Houlton: Theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, $200 fine.

Amanda Whitworth, 39, Houlton: Operating after habitual offender revocation, dismissed.

Jeremy Wilson, 40, Haynesville: Criminal threatening, $300 fine, 48 hours in jail.

Brandon Kluth, 29, Island Falls: failure to stop for officer, dismissed; attaching false plates, dismissed.

Kevin L. Grant, 63, Island Falls: Violating condition of release, $150 fine; theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, $200 fine.

Paul Pletcher, 53, Sherman: Oui (alcohol), $500 fine, 48 hours in jail, license suspended 150 days.

Nicholas F. Botting, 23, New Limerick: Domestic violence reckless driving, dismissed.

Tony L. Dubuc, 34, Blaine: Operating after habitual offender revocation, $500 fine; 30 days in jail; obstructing public ways, dismissed; refusing to submit to arrest, physical force, dismissed; failure to provide correct name, address, dob, dismissed. 

Savanna M. Wait, 21, Orono: theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, dismissed.

Hannah R. North, 19, Houlton: Theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, dismissed.

Andrew J. Torres, 26, Caribou: Trafficking in prison contraband, dismissed; violating condition of release, 30 days in jail; unlawful possession of scheduled drugs, $400 fine, Six months in jail.

Crystal Gayle Plummer, 35, Wiscasset: Domestic violence assault, dismissed.

Anel W. Jipson, 84, Houlton: Operating while license suspended or revoked, dismissed.

Diahnie Kayla Altvater, 26, Perry: Theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, $400 fine, $25.26 restitution.

Scott Rand, 56, Sherman: Violating protection from abuse order, dismissed.

Christopher Campbell, 20, Lincoln: Unlawful trafficking in scheduled drugs, dismissed.

Kimberly D. Gravelle, 39, Amity: Unlawful furnishing of scheduled drugs, $400 fine; 35 months in prison, two years probation; stealing drugs, $400 fine, suspended, nine months in jail; unlawful possession of scheduled drugs, $400 fine, suspended, 15 days in jail; unlawful possession of scheduled drugs, $400 fine, suspended, 30 days in jail; violating condition of release, 48 hours in jail.

Michael P. Odell, 21, Colebrook, Connecticut.: Operating watercraft under the influence while under 21, filed with unspecified costs.

Heath A. Jansen, 32, Ridott, Illinois: Oui (alcohol) $500 fine, license suspended 150 days.

Desirae L. Fickett, 24, Machias: Criminal trespass, $150 fine. 

Joseph Hamel, 35, Houlton: Theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, 48 hours in jail, $58.50 restitution.

Chad E. Brewer, 41, Blaine: Hunting without valid license, $100 fine; violating condition of release, $100 fine.

Karen Lewis, 41, Houlton: Criminal threatening, dismissed.

Donald Moore, 29, Houlton: Criminal mischief, $200 fine; theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, $200 fine, suspended, $97.00 restitution.

Chris Smith, 51, Mars Hill: Violating condition of release, $200 fine.

Kenneth Condon Jr., 72, New Limerick: hunting without a valid license, $200 fine, $100 suspended.

Raymond S. Wormwood, 58, Otisfield: Possession of animal/bird violation, $350 fine.

John F. Dwyer, 65, Orient: Possession of animal/bird violation, $350 fine.

Joseph Hamel, 35, Houlton: Criminal trespass, 48 hours in jail; misuse of public benefits instrument, 48 hours in jail, $39.94 restitution.

Evan B. Gonya, 39, Houlton: Protective order from harassment violation, 72 hours in jail.

Michael P. Odell, 21, Colebrook, Connecticut: Operating unregistered motorboat, $100 fine.

Jessica Lee Holmes, 41, Houlton: Allowing dog to be at large, $100 fine.

Christopher E. Carpenter, 33, New Limerick: Operating ATV on public way, $100 fine.

HOlly Quint, 40, Houlton: Keeping unlicensed dog, $50 fine; Violation of rabies prevention, $150 fine.

Chad E. Brewer, 43, Blaine: hunting without hunting orange, $100 fine.

Karen Nickerson, 57, Houlton: Allowing dog to be at large, $100 fine.

Jody S. Gardner, 49, Patten: Supervising Jr hunter who violates law, $150 fine.

Robert W. Cottle, 65, Houlton: keeping dangerous dog, $100 fine.

Jon L. Murphy, 52, Rehoboth, Massachusetts: Hunting from stand or blind overlooking deer bait, $500 fine; Hunting with firearms/crossbow without orange, $100 fine; place bait to entice deer (three counts), $500 fine (each count).