Retirees honored by SAD 1

3 years ago

PRESQUE ISLE, Maine — The SAD 1 school board recognized seven of its employees who retired during the past school year with a combined total of 157 years of service.

Retirees received plaques in honor of their retirement during the board’s most recent meeting on June 15.

Employees honored were Kevin Wilcox, Presque Isle High School custodian; William “Tibb” Caron, elementary school facilities manager; Thomas Gagnon, Presque Isle High School facilities manager; Janice Wright, grade 3 teacher at Zippel Elementary School; Wayne Brown, Presque Isle Middle School facilities manager; Carl Perkins, custodian/bus driver; and Judy Lake, principal’s office administrative secretary at the high school.

In other business, the board learned that all five district communities voted 543-213 on June 14 to approve the $27,493,905 budget for the 2022-2023 fiscal year.

Three staff members have transferred to other positions. 

Patrick Bragdon, former Presque Isle Middle School instrumental music teacher, will serve as Presque Isle High School’s new band director.

Mikayla Butler, formerly a sixth-grade teacher at the middle school, will transfer to grade 8.

Latisha Lenentine, who formerly served half-time as a kindergarten teacher and half-time as a student support teacher at Pine Street Elementary School, will become a grade 1 teacher at the school.Butler and Lenentine will fill positions created with the resignations of first-grade teacher Katherine White and middle school grade 8 teacher Ann Clay Smith. Bragdon will fill former PIHS band director Jason Priest’s position.

Joining district staff are John Brabant, instrumental music teacher, and Savannah Levesque, sixth-grade teacher, both at the middle school.

SAD 1 Athletic Director Mark White reported on the district’s unified basketball program and introduced new coach Carl Michaud. In unified basketball, students with and without intellectual disabilities join together on the same team.

The board will hold its next regular meeting on Aug. 17.