Powerful storm brings abrupt end to Midnight Madness

3 years ago

HOULTON, Maine — The threat of rain hung like a cloud over much of Friday evening’s Midnight Madness celebration as areas to the north of Houlton experienced bouts with storms, while Houlton remained clear.

But all that turned quickly, just as the Midnight Madness festivities were about to kick into high gear.

The skies turned black and a powerful thunderstorm rolled through Houlton, sending spectators and vendors alike scurrying for cover. McGill’s Community Band had to cut its concert short, while Ted and the Boys never had an opportunity to take the stage.

Swirling winds overturned a number of canopies in Market Square as people quickly sought shelter wherever they could find it.

“It was surreal,” said Jane Torres, executive director of the Greater Houlton Chamber of Commerce. “It was like a wall of water hit us. Everyone screamed and started running for cover, except for the kids who were splashing in the puddles.”

Torres said the crowd had been steadily building in anticipation of the Ted and the Boys concert and fireworks display over the Gateway Crossing Bridge. Torres added that she is working to reschedule the concert and fireworks show for sometime later in the month.

Saturday morning’s craft fair in Community Park was also canceled as a number of crafters had booths set up Friday evening and much of their products were soaked by the storm.

The high winds also toppled several trees in the Houlton area.

It was during the storm that Torres noticed something incredible taking place as local merchants welcomed people into their shops to provide shelter from the storm.

“You would catch someone’s eyes and all we could do was laugh and shrug,” she said. “Nobody was angry, or upset. It was just an amazing spectacle to see. I loved how everyone just supported each other and  nobody complained.”

HOULTON, Maine — July 3, 2022 — Before the intense rains came, downtown Houlton was filled with spectators for the annual Midnight Madness celebration. (Joseph Cyr | Houlton Pioneer Times)

HOULTON, Maine — July 3, 2022 — A number of trees were downed Friday evening during the powerful storm that rolled through the Houlton area. Two large trees were felled on the corner of Columbia and Court streets. No major damage was reported. (Joseph Cyr | Houlton Pioneer Times)

HOULTON, Maine — July 3, 2022 — Alyssa Stairs of Houlton gets a caricature done during Midnight Madness in Houlton Friday evening. (Joseph Cyr | Houlton Pioneer Times)

HOULTON, Maine — July 3, 2022 — Stan’s French Fries was a popular attraction Friday evening in downtown Houlton for the annual Midnight Madness celebration. (Joseph Cyr | Houlton Pioneer Times)

HOULTON, Maine — July 3, 2022 —  Chase Huite of Houlton tosses a football at a target at the Houlton Football Association’s dunk tank Friday evening for Midnight Madness. (Joseph Cyr | Houlton Pioneer Times)

HOULTON, Maine — July 3, 2022 — Trinity Sewell of Houlton (left) gets her face painted by Kaliste Rattray during Midnight Madness in downtown Houlton Friday evening. (Joseph Cyr | Houlton Pioneer Times)