Presque Isle Criminal Docket – February 2022

3 years ago

PRESQUE ISLE- Maine – The following cases were heard under the Aroostook Criminal Docket at the Presque Isle Courthouse for the month of February.

Richard Ruggles,38, New Sweden: Criminal threatening with a dangerous weapon, dismissed; criminal threatening, unconditional discharge.

Richard S. Gilman, 29, Ashland: Attaching false plates, $100 fine.

Quinn L. Harvey, 40, Presque Isle: Theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, 18 months in prison, all suspended, 18 months probation, $2,937 restitution.

Kevin Joseph Blood, 23, Mapleton: Operating while license suspended or revoked, dismissed; operating atv to endanger, dismissed; violating condition of release, dismissed.

Wendall Marston, 50, Mapleton: Driving to endanger, $575 fine, license suspended 90 days; failure to make oral or written accident report, dismissed.

Kassandra D. Castonguay, 29, Woodland: Unlawful possession of scheduled drug, $400 fine, 48 hours in jail; violating condition of release, 48 hours in jail; violating condition of release, 48 hours in jail.

Richard S. Gilman, 29, Ashland: Violating condition of release, $100 fine; attaching false plates, $100 fine.

Richard S. Gilman, 29, East Millinocket: Attaching false plates, $100 fine; Violating condition of release, $100 fine.

David Whitman Jr., 34, Caribou: Theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, dismissed.

Quinn L. Harvey, 40, Mapleton: Theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, dismissed; theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, $200 fine, $15.74 restitution.

Charity Ferranti, 29, Presque Isle: Disorderly conduct, 40 days in jail; violating condition of release, 40 days in jail.

Shane Baker, 20, Mapleton: Theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, dismissed; criminal trespass, dismissed.

Brooke E. Buckley, 32, Presque Isle: Domestic violence assault, dismissed.

Christopher R. Winship, 34, Presque Isle: Probation violation, 472 days in prison, probation revoked.

Matthew J. Lovely, 48, Chapman: Oui (alcohol), $900 fine, 30 days in jail, all but seven days suspended, one year administrative release, license suspended three years.

Christopher James Pelkey, 29, Presque Isle: Violating protection from abuse order, filed with unspecified costs.

Robert J. Pelletier, 29, Limestone: Domestic violence assault, 58 days in jail. 

Jason P. Sarnowski, 47, Presque Isle: Unlawful trafficking in scheduled drugs, $400 fine; 36 months in prison all but six months suspended, two years probation; operating while license suspended or revoked, dismissed; criminal forfeiture of property. 

Justice Keeland, 25, Fort Fairfield: Endangering the welfare of a child, dismissed.

Paul Corbin, 31, Caribou: Unlawful possession of methamphetamine, dismissed; Oui (drugs or combo), $500 fine, license suspended 150 days; driving to endanger, $575 fine, licenses suspended 30 days.

Christopher R. Winship, 34, Presque Isle: Criminal trespass, three months in jail.

Donald Hayes, 71, Fort Fairfield: Aggravated assault, dismissed; terrorizing, dismissed.

Christopher R. Winship, 34, Presque Isle: Theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, six months in jail.

Donald A. Hayes, 71, Fort Fairfield: Violating condition of release, dismissed; violating condition of release, $250 fine.

Dylan C. Haley, 20, Masardis: Oui (Alcohol) $150 fine.

Anthony Spiers, 19, Presque Isle: Unlawful possession of scheduled drug, $400 fine.

Jason P. Sarnowski, 47, Washburn: Aggravated criminal mischief, six months in jail, $16007.16 restitution; violating condition of release, 30 days in jail.

Alik Espling, 24, Veazie: Oui (alcohol) $600 fine, license suspended 150 days.

Jacob Aaron Boucher, 26, Sinclair: Oui (drugs or combo), $500 fine, license suspended 150 days; illegal possession of firearm, dismissed.

Charity Ferranti, 29, Presque Isle: Theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, 40 days in jail, $283.80 restitution; violating condition of release, 40 days in jail.

Charity Ferranti, 29, Presque Isle: Theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, 40 days in jail, $19.99 restitution; violating condition of release, (two counts) 40 days in jail (each count), $300 restitution.

Charity Ferranti, 29, Presque Isle: Theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, 40 days in jail, $241.60 restitution; violating condition of release, 40 days in jail.

Robert A. Suire, 40, Presque Isle: Refusing to submit arrest, refusing to stop, dismissed.

Michael Caulder, 37, Fort Kent: Theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, $200 fine.

Michael Caulder, 37, Fort Kent: Violating protection order, 12 months in jail, all but 153 days suspended, one year probation.

Daveena Waugh, 39, Robinson: Unlawful possession of scheduled drugs, dismissed.

Connor J. Thibeault, 25, Caribou: Speeding 30-plus over the speed limit, dismissed; driving to endanger, dismissed.

Michael Caulder, 37, Fort Kent: Criminal trespass, $200 fine.

Quinn L. Harvey, 40, Mapleton: Operating while license suspended or revoked, filed without costs; violating condition of release, filed without costs.

Quinn L. Harvey, 40, Mapleton: Theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, 40 days in jail, $26.72 restitution; violating condition of release, 40 days in jail.

Nashali J. Parks, 27, Mars Hill: Oui (alcohol) $500 fine, license suspended 150 days.

Brooke B. Blackstone, 20, Presque Isle: Oui (alcohol), $500 fine, license suspended 150 days.

Oliver Graves, 18, Presque Isle: Refusing to submit to arrest, refusing to stop, dismissed; assault, $300 fine, 30 days in jail.

Amanda P. Rakes, 28, Presque Isle: aggravated criminal mischief, dismissed.

Donald A. Hayes, 71, Fort Fairfield: Violating condition of release, dismissed; violating condition of release, $250 fine.

Zachary K. Dionne, 24, New Canada: Shooting firearm from motor vehicle, $100 fine.

Wayne E. Boulier Jr., 41, Presque Isle: Domestic violence assault (two counts), dismissed (both counts); assault, $300 fine, 60 days in jail; violating condition of release, 60 days in jail; assault, $300 fine, 60 days in jail.

Dylan M. Vatsinaris, 35, Windham: unlawful possession of moose, filed without costs; violation of moose zone, filed without costs.

Paul Boots, 66, North Yarmouth: Hunting without a valid license, filed without costs.

Donald A. Hayes, 71, Fort Fairfield: Attaching false plates, $150 fine.

Charity Ferranti, 29, Presque Isle: Theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, 40 days in jail. $200 restitution; violating condition of release, 40 days in jail.

Charity Ferranti, 29, Presque Isle: Theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, 40 days in jail, $133.00 restitution; violating condition of release, 40 days in jail.

Shane D. Sherwood, 21, Fort Fairfield: Oui (alcohol), $500 fine, license suspended 150 days.

Donald A. Hayes, 71, Fort Fairfield: Violating condition of release, $250 fine.

Michael W. Hayes, 47, Fort Fairfield: Operating vehicle while license suspended or revoked, dismissed.

Owen C. Harris, 40, Wade: Operating while license suspended or revoked, dismissed.

Philip Edward Sprague, 58, Fort Fairfield: Gross sexual assault, dismissed.

Charity Ferranti, 29, Presque Isle: Theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, 40 days in jail; violating condition of release, 40 days in jail.

Jacob Dean Dow, 21, Presque Isle: Assault on an officer, dismissed.

Charity Ferranti, 29, Presque Isle: Theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, six months in jail, all but 40 days suspended, one year administrative release, $1,000 restitution.

Charity Ferranti, 29, Presque Isle: Theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, 40 days in jail, $40.00 restitution; violating condition of release, 40 days in jail.

Christopher R. Winship, 34, Presque Isle: Theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, six months in jail, $61.17 restitution.

Paul Corbin, 31, Caribou: Theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, $200 fine; violating condition of release, $200 fine.

Taylor Churchill, 23, Fort Fairfield: Failing to make oral or written accident report, $200 fine.

Christopher R. Winship, 34, Presque Isle: Theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, 18 months in prison; $2,500 restitution; aggravated criminal mischief, 18 months in prison, $2,500 restitution; Unlawful possession of scheduled drugs, $400 fine, six months in jail; operating while license suspended or revoked, 90 days in jail; operating while license suspended or revoked, dismissed; violating conditions of release, 90 days in jail.

Dustin Giggey, 31, Fort Fairfield: Operating unregistered snowmobile, $200 fine; operating snowmobile on public way, $100 fine.