Churches plan retreat

2 years ago

The West Chapman Advent Christian Church and the Ashland Congregational Church will join together to bring Rev. Brenda Cross of Brunswick to Ashland for a women’s retreat.  This will be held from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 1, at 250 Goding Road, Ashland (Calhoun’s barn).

Lunch will be provided. The theme is “Come See,” based on John chapter 4.  There is no cost for the day.  The churches are just looking for women to come together to learn, to laugh, and to fall even more in love with Jesus.  

If there are any questions, please call Maralee at 764-4133.

Fall fair

It’s just a little over a week until one of the Mapleton Daze Committee’s popular events comes back.  It is their annual Fall Craft/Vendor Fair, which will be held from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 8, at the Mapleton Elementary School.  

More than 30 crafters and vendors are expected.

To reserve a spot for a table, send a message to the Mapleton Daze Facebook page. For more information, visit

Healthy Living class

There is still time to register for the Living Well with Chronic Pain workshop series, hosted by Aroostook Area Agency on Aging and Healthy Living for ME.  The workshop will be offered from 1 to 3:30 p.m. on six Tuesdays, starting Oct. 11. 

Yours truly and Callie Rogers, Aroostook Agency on Aging staff member, will facilitate this national evidence-based workshop that has help many people with chronic pain live more healthful and satisfying lives.  The workshop will meet at the Sargent Family Community Center in Presque Isle.

Topics will include techniques to deal with frustration, fatigue,  isolation and poor sleep, exercise, proper use of medications, communicating effectively with family, friends, and health professionals, nutrition, pacing activity and rest, and how to evaluate new treatments. 

Call the Aroostook Agency on Aging at 764-3396 to speak with Callie about the workshop or simply visit to preregister for the workshop or more information. 

Terry Sandusky is the Star-Herald correspondent for Mapleton, Chapman and Castle Hill and can be reached at 764-4916 or at