Katahdin boys blast past Wisdom, girls fall short

2 years ago

STACYVILLE, Maine — The Katahdin boys and girls basketball teams played host to Wisdom Thursday, Dec. 22, in the final game before the brief holiday break.

The Katahdin boys rolled to a 69-35 victory, but the Cougar girls fell 55-28 to Wisdom.

In the boys contest, Katahdin’s Grady Ritchie led all scorers with 20 points, followed by Connor Edwards with 11 and Calvin Richardson with 10. Wisdom’s scoring leaders were Dominick Gendreau with 16 points and Kaden Daigle with nine.  

The Cougars are now 1-1 on the season, while Wisdom drops to 0-3. 

In the girls game, Lilly Roy led Wisdom with 21 points, while Olivia Ouellette added 16. For Katahdin, Hunter Hartsgrove led the way with 13 points. 

Wisdom is now 3-0 on the year, while Katahdin is 0-3.