Presque Isle area From our Files – Week of January 25, 2023

2 years ago

100 Years Ago – Jan. 25, 1923

Introducing an act into the Legislature — Rep. Hallett of Ashland introduced an act into the Legislature to incorporate C. Fred Clayton, Wm. L. Waldron, Chas. A. Carter and Whitfield D. Hallett as the Ashland Water & Sewer Co., the purpose of the incorporation being to furnish water for domestic and manufacturing purposes, and proved for an adequate sewerage system.

75 Years Ago – Jan. 22, 1948

Potato Blossom Queen returned from visit to Washington, New York — Miss Betty Green, Maine Potato Blossom Queen, returned to her home Wednesday noon from a ten days’ trip to Atlantic City, Washington, and New York as the Aroostook potato industry’s most charming representative and promptly received an invitation to take part in a Queen of Queens assembly and replica of the New Orleans Mardi Gras Carnival to be staged in Washington Feb. 10 by the Louisiana State Society of the nation’s capital. She was unable to state immediately whether the Washington event was included in her schedule.

Louis Bouchard cited for campus drive of U. of M. — The success of the University of Maine campus relief drive headed by Louis Bouchard of this city in which $400 was donated by students and faculty members to provide Christmas gifts for children in five Maine fire areas, was the subject of both the lead news story and an editorial in a an issue of the Maine Campus, student newspaper. An advertisement in the same issue announced that Bouchard was the recipient of the “Hillson Achievement Award” for the week in recognition of his outstanding work as chairman of the drive.

50 Years Ago – Jan. 24, 1973

Training grant got approval — Earl Redwine, executive director of the Aroostook County Action Program, had received written notification from the Regional Office of Economic Opportunity of their approval of a 12,814 training and technical assistance grant. Grant’s objective was to provide training to this new agency’s Board members, members of the Aroostook Policy Advisory Council and agency staff. Also approved was a $2,,668 grant to the Aroostook Policy Advisory Council that provided supplemental training to their members and members of local Policy Advisory Committees throughout the County. Training was in applicable courses that were provided by local School Administrative Districts such as Parliamentary Procedures, Public Speaking and basic English Composition. Funds were used to pay for registration fees when needed, travel, baby sitting and school supplies.

Film strips shown by Mrs. Dow — Film strips were shown when the Junior Extension Group met Jan. 15 at the home of Mrs. Launa Durost with Mrs. Brenda Grass and Mrs. Doreen Townsend as co-hostesses. President Mrs. Carol Grass presided and reports were given. The topic was Cancer Control with guest speaker Mrs. Kenneth Dow of Caribou. She showed the films and led a discussion of the topic. Mrs. Susie Grass won the mystery prize.

25 Years Ago – Jan. 28, 1998

Owl men win fourth straight — The University of Maine at Presque Isle men’s basketball team picked up its fourth consecutive victory by stopping Maine Maritime Academy, 70-55, in a game played in Castine. The Owls used a strong defensive effort in the first 10 minutes, holding MMA to just five points. They also dominated the boards, out rebounding the Mariners, 42-18. The Owls built a 34-19 halftime lead and kept the pressure on in the second half. Stefan Hermansson was perfect from the field as he hit all five shots he took and ended with 12 points and six rebounds. Jonathan Eastmond tallied 13 points and six assists and Brian Colman had the hot hand from the perimeter by connecting on 7 of 9 from behind the three-point arch for 21 points.

Graves scholarship — Coury McGlinn received $786 toward his college education through the Graves Shop N Save Scholarship Bonus Program. Greg Graves, Robert Graves and Mike Graves presented McGlinn his scholarship. The program was for students employed by Graves. Student employees who maintained an A average received a 50 cents per hour premium which was put toward a scholarship fund for that employee. Student employees who maintained a B average received a 25 cents per hour premium.

Donation — The employees of First Citizens Bank donated $250 from their “Dress Down Fridays” fund to the American Red Cross to help state people affected by the ice storm of 1998.