Not good for Maine’s people

2 years ago

To the editor:

I want to make my voice known on the topic of the late-term abortion bill that is being discussed in the Legislature these days. I find the bill extreme and even dangerous to our state.

It also does something else: it makes nothing of the life of my son Nicholas and others who have lived through similar situations. You see, I believe life is precious, all life. My son thrived in my womb but was not meant to live outside of it due to having Potter’s syndrome, which today much more is known about. More than 20 years ago he was born, full term, after a perfectly healthy pregnancy. He lived 45 minutes. The only difference between his life and death truly was location. He simply was not meant to live outside the womb.

His life, however, was full, although very short. The incredible medical staff did all they could to save his life.

Our minutes are precious, every one of them, whether inside or outside the womb.

I find the bill dangerous to our state for several reasons. It demonstrates that life is of no value. What message does that communicate to our children who are our future? It empowers people to make the call of death instead of life. It encourages others who do not value life the way the majority of Maine citizens do to come into our state to have late-term abortions. It is not good for the people of Maine.

Annette Holmes