Caribou area From our Files – Week of June 7, 2023

2 years ago

115 Years Ago – June 4, 1908

Convention — August Erickson was among the delegates present at the Modern Woodmen Convention at Bath, Me., May 5. Mr. Erickson was chosen to represent the New Sweden Camp; on his return home he visited friends in Bangor.

Graduating class enjoys outing — The graduating class of the Caribou High school are enjoying a week’s outing on the banks of the Aroostook river about three miles from the village. They are making their headquarters in W. L. Collins’ summer cottage known as ‘Drift-In.’ They were accompanied  by Prof. H. M. Wheeler, Miss Sarah Roberts, Mrs. Christine Tooker and Miss Florence Flewelling as chaperones.

100 Years Ago – June 7, 1923

Away for meetings — Mrs. Ada Britton, librarian, left Tuesday, June 5, for Bangor to attend a Library School of Instruction conducted by the State Bureau of Library Extension for practical library work. Mrs. Britton, who is president of the Northern Maine Librarians’ Association, will also represent that association at the annual meeting of the Maine State Librarians’ Association to be held at the Bangor Public Library June 7 and 8.

Back in town for a short visit — M. J. Connick and H. H Connick of Manchester, N.H., were in town for several hours last Thursday. M. J. Connick was at one time foreman in The Republican office, but for years has held the same position on the Star-Herald, Presque Isle, leaving last fall for Manchester. His brother, H. H Connick, was employed in Presque Isle about 25 years ago by G. M. Morgan, who was then engaged in the furniture business in that town.

75 Years Ago – June 3, 1948

Wife of Caribou man wins scholarship — The James Stacy Stevens scholarship of the University of Maine has been awarded to Mrs. Patricia McGuigan Collins, Caribou. The scholarship is given annually to the highest ranking member of the junior class in the college of Arts and Sciences at the university. The honor was won by another Caribou student, the former Miss Phylllis Pendleton, in 1946. Mrs. Collins is the wife of Donald Collins, son of Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Collins of Caribou.

Old document found at Vaughan House — In going through the closet in one of the rooms at the Vaughan House this past week, Arthur Ouelette, manager, came upon an interesting letter, which he claims is the oldest document extant relating to the Hotel. The letter, dated February 14, 1871, contained a receipt from the office of the Collector of Internal Revenue, dated September 29, 1869, and was a receipt for $10 for a special excise tax. It also  contained an order for the Oriental Tea Company of Boston and quoted Mocha and Java Coffee in 60-pound cans at 36 cents per pound and Tsing Tea in 36 pound chests at $1.00 per pound. The letter was from Chataqua and was addressed to Frank Record, or to Mr. Vaughan, and was signed A. S. Eaton. It referred to some fish, flour and pork which the former had ordered and was anxious to get. It referred to another errand or two, part of the wording of which are now not decipherable.

25 Years Ago – June 10, 1998

Donations — The Lister-Knowlton, VFW Post 9389 and its Ladies Auxiliary, have donated $100 each to the Maine Special Olympics. Caribou police officer, Craig Peterson, received the donations from Post Quartermaster, Donald McDougal and President of Ladies Auxiliary, Jeanette Hanson.

Katahdin Trust marks 80 years in County — Sherwood Howes was on hand at the opening of Katahdin Trust Company in Patten in 1918 and cut the first piece of birthday cake from the bank’s 80th birthday celebration on June 3. A loyal customer of Katahdin Trust Company, Mr. Howes has been with the bank since its opening in Patten 80 years ago. All seven locations of Katahdin Trust Company kicked off a month-long birthday celebration. Each branch office had a special resident cut their 80th birthday cake. Bob White in Caribou, a customer of the bank since 1956 when he started his first teaching job at Patten Academy. Along with Bob were Noela Ouellette, Deanna McNeal, Paul Guimond, Bobbie Scott and bank manager Karen Chapman.