No quorum for Houlton Town Council means no votes

2 years ago

HOULTON, Maine — Only three out of seven councilors were present at Monday night’s scheduled town council meeting, which was canceled because there was no quorum, according to town clerk Khylee Wampler.

Councilors were slated to discuss the transfer of up to $400,000 from the town’s undesignated fund balance to reduce taxes, which Town Manager Marian Anderson said is in the best interest of the town.

The council was going to vote on liquor licenses for three restaurants, Pizza Hut, Downunder Sports Pub and Market Pizza.

Additionally, the council was scheduled to vote on accepting a $9,716 Edward Byrne Justice
Assistance Grant for the Houlton Police Department and authorize the use of up to $62,000 from the American Rescue Plan Act Funding for enhanced cybersecurity measures at the police

The next meeting had not been rescheduled Tuesday morning.