115 Years Ago – Aug. 20, 1908
Accepts a new position — Dr. O. H. Brann of Augusta, a graduate of Tufts Dental School, has accepted a position in Dr. M. L. Bonney’s dental parlors. Mr. Brann has successfully passed the examination of the Maine State Dental Board and is considered a first-class man in every respect.
Going to remain in Caribou — S. L. White, who has been in Houlton the majority of the time this summer looking after the interests of his drug store, expects now to remain in Caribou, where he is interested in the buying of potatoes.
100 Years Ago – Aug. 23, 1923
Opening an office — Mr. Geo E. Robinson has opened offices in the Hutchinson Block, representing Philips & Co., Inc., of Boston, New York and Norfolk, Mr. Robinson’s long experience in the potato business and his extensive acquaintance with the shippers make him a competent man for the position.
Out on vacation — Samuel G. Stitham repair man for the Aroostook Tel. and Tel. Co, is enjoying his annual vacation. His replacement at the telephone office is being filled by Thomas J. Crabb.
75 Years Ago – Aug. 19, 1948
Announces appointment of manager of the MPG Warehouse in Caribou — Announcement of the appointment of two new warehouse managers for Maine Potato Growers, Ind., was made today by Kenneth L. Ballard, manager of the Warehouse Department. Mr. Ballard stated that for the forthcoming potato deal, warehouses in the Caribou and Fort Fairfield areas operated by MPG would be managed by Jasper Norsworthy and Loomis Good, respectively. He pointed out that these men were selected from a large number of applicants and that vacancies in the warehouse managerial staff in these locations are now filled.
Council authorizes purchase of new fire whistle equipment — Authorization for purchase and installation of a new air compressor, reserve tank, and electrically operated whistle and valve has been given the fire department by the town council at its meeting last Friday, said William B. Burns, town manager. The new compressor and valve, replacing a similar unit now approximately 35 years old, will be used to sound the community’s fire horn. Avon Brown, permanent member of the fire department, has been authorized by Fire Chief Russell Getchel and the town council to select and purchase the new units.
25 Years Ago – Aug. 26, 1998
Caribou BPW awards scholarship — Business and Professional Women’s Scholarship Committee announced the 1998 Caribou BPW scholarship winners: David Stewart, high school scholarship winner; David Knorr, interim college scholarship winner; Jennifer Jose, high school scholarship winner. BPW Scholarship Committee members there were; Geri Martin, Sheila Elliott and Pamela Dubois.
Championship Sports Flooring leaves site at Loring Commerce Center — A wood-flooring manufacturer that was located at the Loring Commerce Center in 1997, closed last month and laid off 16 employees. Since the summer of 1997, Championship Sports Flooring has been building floors for companies worldwide. However, changes in the international economy proved hard for the company to overcome, said Championship Sports Flooring owner Gregor Hargrove. The business will not reopen at the Loring Commerce Center. Loring Development Authority Brian Hamel said the building that was occupied by Championship Sports Flooring Inc. will be leased to Maine Woods Co.