Madawaska holding special town meeting

1 year ago

MADAWASKA, Maine — Residents can vote on the purchase of a street sweeper, procuring land for a recreational trail, and the closure of 15 roads for the winter at Madawaska’s upcoming special town meeting on Sept. 28. 

The street sweeper is the largest item on the warrant. The item asks voters if they would approve spending up to $210,000 for a 2015 Johnston Model VT651 Vacuum Sweeper. The money would come out of the town’s Undesignated Funds. This account contains roughly $3 million.

The town’s current street sweeper was manufactured in 2001. Its motor is damaged beyond repair, town officials said.

Residents can also vote to purchase five lots of land on 3rd avenue for $50,000. The land, if purchased, will be used to preserve recreational trail access for the community and downtown businesses. The town’s public works department would also use the area for winter snow removal. 

And people can also vote on an order to close 15 roads to winter maintenance. This is because municipal officials deemed it unnecessary to keep the roads open from November to April. Officials will also review the list if there are any developments on the roads.

Town Manager Gary Picard said that the winter road closure item is voted on every 10 years per state law.

The meeting will be held at 6 p.m. in the cafeteria of the Madawaska High School, at 135 7th Ave.