Presque Isle area From our Files – Week of October 25, 2023

Compiled by Yvonne Tardie, Special to The County
1 year ago

100 Years Ago – Oct. 25, 1923

The Aroostook Anti-Tuberculosis league held a meeting — The special meeting of the Aroostook Anti-Tuberculosis Association, in lieu of the annual meeting at Presque Isle Friday morning, was an interesting and fruitful one. Hon. E. L. Cleveland, president, was in the chair. Routine matter was transacted. All the old officers with the exception of a few of the vice presidents, were elected for another year. Miss Edith F. Knight, District Nurse, whose report, as usual, showed splendid work accomplished for another year, was re-elected for another year. Miss Knight’s salary was increased $100, a just recognition of ability and the most loyal service. Mrs. Alice H. McGouldrick of Bar Harbor, who had collected funds very successfully for the association the previous two years, was engaged for another campaign in the fall and winter.

75 Years Ago – Oct. 21, 1948

Gibron was elected head of Bowling League — Roy Gibson was elected president of the City Bowling League at a meeting held the previous evening at the Community Center. Ralph Weaver was named vice president, Ted Dubay, treasurer, and William Haskell, secretary.

Dedication — The new two-story classroom annex of the United Baptist church was dedicated at the morning service Sunday at 10:30, with Dr. T. Leonard Lewis, president of Gordon College of Theology and Missions, Boston, as guest speaker. The new annex at the rear of the church included two large assembly rooms for departmental sessions, and several classrooms for church school classes.

50 Years Ago – Oct. 24, 1973

Area people with the armed services — On Oct. 11, two Central Aroostook men serving in the United States Navy crossed the Arctic Circle while participating with the NATO Atlantic fleet’s annual exercise known as “Swift Move.” The two were Seaman Apprentice Brett L. Tarbox, son of Mr. and Mrs. Marie Tarbox of Perham; and Radioman Third Class James P. Duperry, son of Charles Duperry, Ashland. Both men were serving on board the aircraft carrier USS John F. Kennedy. More than 30 ships took part in the maneuver. Tarbox attended Washburn High School and joined the Navy in October 1971. A 1970 graduate of Ashland Community High School, Duperry joined the Navy in July 1970.

Duncan was named James Bowdoin Scholar — John D. Duncan, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Duncan of Presque Isle, was named a James Bowdoin Scholar at Bowdoin College. The honorary scholarships are awarded each year in recognition of academic achievements, and Duncan was one of 162 to be recognized.

25 Years Ago – Oct. 28, 1998

Gordon was selected for national seat — Dale Gordon, RN, CS, of Horizons Washburn Regional Health Center, was selected as one of only four individuals across 50 states to serve on the Advanced Practice Registered Nurse Task Force of the National Council of State Boards of Nursing Inc. The purpose of the national council is to provide an organization through which state boards of nursing act and council together on matters of common interest and concern affecting the public health, safety and welfare, including the development of licensing examinations in nursing.

New truck — The town of Easton got a new fire truck ready for service at the Fire Department. The truck, a 1985 oil tanker which was purchased from Irving Oil Corp. for the sum of $5,310 and then converted to a fire engine by the town’s maintenance men, under Road Commissioner Paul DeMerchant. The project cost the town a total of $24,000, which included the purchase price. The old tanker, an early 1960 vintage, was beginning to leak.

DARE contribution — Diane Green, manager of Katahdin Trust Company in Mars Hill, presented a contribution to Fort Street School Principal, Fred Boyd, and DARE Officer, Gail Griffin, for the DARE program.