Hospital offers smoking cessation resources

1 year ago

Northern Light Health AR Gould Hospital supports the message of quitting smoking — or even better, never starting — as one of the best things you can do for your health.

Within 20 minutes of quitting smoking, the heart rate begins to normalize and carbon monoxide levels begin to drop, hospital officials said. Smoking has several health consequences on your health, including putting you at risk for developing lung cancer, increasing your risk of a heart attack and much more. 

“Although there are many reasons to quit smoking, your health must be your number one concern. Successfully quitting smoking requires treatment, monitoring, lifestyle changes, and, most importantly, support,” said Jennifer Bartlett, RN, certified smoking cessation facilitator in AR Gould’s Pulmonology Clinic.

 “Everyone is unique and requires a personalized treatment plan, so they are successful in their journey to quit smoking,” she said.

There are several options available to help people in this journey. Sometimes nicotine replacement in the form of a patch or gum can be a solution, but there are other ways as well. 

“When I see patients, I do one-on-one counseling with them.  I work closely to help build a framework to help Identify triggers and teach people coping skills as they move along in their journey to being smoke free,” Bartlett said. “Sometimes what that treatment can look like is finding hobbies to keep their hands busy, or we look at ways to reduce stress in their lives to help them fight the urge to have a cigarette.”

She also warns about the concern of using vaping as an alternative to smoking, which has been become increasingly popular in recent years. While it is often seen as a less dangerous habit, it is highly addictive, and its long-term impact is yet to be fully understood. Recent research has linked vaping to increased risk of lung disease and cardiovascular disease.

Bartlett pointed out that if people aren’t ready to give up smoking or vaping for their own health, they should think of the health of others, especially for their children.  

“Secondhand smoke from either regular cigarettes or e-cigarettes can be as bad as smoking. Children who are exposed to this can develop chronic respiratory infections, diseases such as asthma, and be at risk of developing chronic diseases like COPD later in life,” Bartlett said.  

“Also, children look up to their parents and oftentimes follow what they do.  So, if their parents smoke or vape, they may think it’s okay to pick up the habit as well. This is particularly concerning with vaping, since the draw of flavored products is drawing in younger users.”  

According to the CDC, 2.5 million youth reported e-cigarette use in 2022. 

Other community resources that can support smokers looking to kick the habit include:  the Aroostook County Action Program; Maine QuitLink at 1-800-QUIT-NOW; The Maine Tobacco Helpline at 1-800-207-1230; and MaineHealth Center for Tobacco. Independence.