Presque Isle area From our Files – Week of December 27, 2023

Compiled by Yvonne Tardie, Special to The County
1 year ago

100 Years Ago – Dec. 27, 1923

Congressman Hersey reappointed — Congressman Ira G. Hersey was reappointed to the committee on Judiciary. This was one of the committees in Congress considered of such importance that a member there-on was not allowed to serve on any other committee. It is known as an exclusive committee.

The candidacy of Cyrus Small esq. — Attention was called to the notice of the candidacy of Cyrus Small esq. of Caribou for nomination as County Attorney at the June Primaries. Mr. Small enjoyed a very excellent reputation as an attorney and had the support of a very large majority of his townsmen, where he measured his hometown, where he was popular, and where the people had the utmost confidence in his integrity and ability.

75 Years Ago – Dec. 23, 1948

Christmas mail in the local office set a new record — The volume of both incoming and outgoing Christmas mail at the Presque Isle Post Office broke all records, Postmaster Orrin J. Bishop announced. The postmaster said that on Monday, December 20, the peak day for outgoing mail, a total of 35,000 letters and Christmas cards went through the canceling machine, setting a new all time record for the local office. The parcel post volume also had been heavier than in any previous year, Postmaster Bishop reporting that parcel post receipts were ten per cent over those of any previous year. 

Two wins for commerce five — The Aroostook School of Commerce basketball garnered two more victories over Van Buren (41-21) and Mapleton high schools (76-44). Vernoon Tarbell paced the team in both victories with 24 and 22 points. The junior varsity, paced by Baird, former Mapleton star, also collected two victories over the Van Buren and Mapleton Juniors by (51-17) and (42-21) scores.

50 Years Ago – Dec. 26, 1973

$200,000 SBA loan for truck stop okayed — The Presque Isle planning board recommended that the city change the zoning on a Houlton Road site as requested by Transport Services, Inc. Transport Services, Inc. proposed the construction of a truck service facility on a lot owned by Arnold Crouse on Houlton Road. The proposed site, located on the west side of Route 1, in the vicinity of the Presque Isle Drive-In. It had been opposed by residents in the area. City Manager Dana Connors said the planning board made the recommendation subject to the following conditions: that it meet with Department of Environmental Protection approval and that the facility conform to performance standards being drawn up by the E. C. Jordan Company.

Rebuilt bank opened — Northern National Bank opened its new office in Easton Dec. 21. This office was built to replace the former office which was destroyed by fire in April. The grand opening was attended by J. Roger Erskine, president of the Northern National Bank; William Litsch of ACL Enterprises, Inc., the constructor; Harold Kinney, Owen Wheeler and Cecil Cronkite, Easton selectmen; and Irwin F. Porter, executive vice president of the bank The red ribbon was cut by Mrs. Donald Collins, manager of the Easton office. The ribbon was made up of money which was contributed to the five churches of Easton to make Christmas more enjoyable for needy Easton families.

25 Years Ago – Dec. 30, 1998

Legislative sentiment — Representative Richard Kneeland presented the Mars Hill Utility District Directors with a Legislative Sentiment recognizing their national award received from the United States Environmental Protection Agency. This was presented at the Nov. 3 meeting. The Mars Hill Utility District was named the Most Improved Wastewater Treatment Plant in the United States in October of 1998 by the USEPA.  Kneeland extended his congratulations for the award and best wishes for continued success at the District. The sentiment was sponsored by state Sen. Judy Ayotte Paradis. Some of those present at the meeting were Darroll Wilson, Director; Phil Lawrence, Clerk; Emmett “Bud” Porter, Chairman; Representative Richard Kneeland; Stephen Burtt Jr., Director; and Timothy S. Brewer, Director.

Donation — Richard Scott, executive director of the Sister Mary O’Donnell Shelter, accepted a check from the employees at First Citizens Bank in Presque Isle. The workers donated money to the charity for the right to “dress down” at work. Those present were Danielle Folsom, Marlene McLaughlin, Michelle Whitney, Mindy Bartley, Tina Bubar, Sherri Jordan, Richard Scott, Kim Boucher, Jill Plante, Valerie Lloyd, Cindy Flanagan, Deb Saunders, Kim Sweeney and Stacy Moir.