Caribou area From our Files – Week of January 10, 2024

1 year ago

120 Years Ago – Jan. 14, 1904

News from a former resident — Word has been received from Walter R. Sealander, formerly of this place but now employed in the wholesale and retail store of M. F. Talmage, Buffalo, N. Y., stating that he is enjoying the best of health and getting along very nicely. He states that the weather there has been the coldest for eight or ten years. Mr. Sealander also adds that he saw Benj. Burrill on the street one day recently and that he is looking well.

New owners — Schuyler Page and Mr. Hight of Fort Fairfield purchased from Geo. N. Getchell, the woodworking mill on Washburn street. C. W. Hendrix, always accommodating and obliging, will be foreman of the shop.

115 Years Ago – Jan. 14, 1909

A new hose house — The new hose house in front of the B. & A. station is about complete and will be appreciated by those living on Broadway. The building of that house in the vicinity of the station is a step in the right direction, as there is quite an amount of valuable property in that section which needs protection. And, in case of fire, it will be much quicker to turn on water by having hose ready at hand, than it is to wait for the truck to arrive from either Sweden or Main street.

100 Years Ago – Jan. 10, 1924

Work is progressing steadily — Work on the Cary Memorial hospital is progressing steadily. Gravel for concrete was stored in the hospital basement before cold weather came, so as soon as the walls were up and the windows in, the workmen went to work on the floors which are done now and the partitions for the rooms are being started.

Moving houses — Frank Riley is having preparations made to move the two bungalow style houses he built on Limestone street, to lots he owns near Teague Park on Park street. Mr. Baptiste Bell is the contractor in charge of the work..

75 Years Ago – Jan. 13, 1949

Dimes quota set for towns — With the set goal of $986.16 for Caribou, the March of Dimes Campaign in this town will get underway starting Jan. 15 and continuing through to the end of the month. Town Chairman for the appeal is R. H. Frost. Aroostook County has been asked for approximately $11,000. This is an increase of $3,000 that was asked for in 1948.

Attends convention — Dr. William Small left Friday for Bangor, where he attended the State Optometrists’ Convention. He returned Monday night.

25 Years Ago – Jan. 13, 1999

Outstanding Leadership award — George Benson, the career counselor at Caribou Adult Education, was awarded the outstanding leadership award from the Aroostook Literacy Coalition. Benson’s work with non-traditional students and his contributions to literacy needs in the County were reasons for his nomination.

Building firm widens business — Brian and Laura Ostlund, owners of Precision Builders, have recently added a new office at their 315 Sweden Street home. Precision Builders has also added the following services to their stick-built home building service: Keiser Modular homes, DEMTEC Modular and Mobile homes, Certainteed windows and siding and Therma-tru doors.