Lions plan benefit supper for Mapleton student

Terry Sandusky, Special to The County
1 year ago

The Mapleton Lions Club will host a benefit supper for Mapleton second- grader Abbigail LaPlante, who requires extensive leukemia treatment.   

She will have treatments in Bangor over a course of many months. Before Christmas, the Lions Club learned about Abbigail’s treatment challenges and knew expenses would be high to obtain her treatment outside of what the family’s health insurance will cover, such as frequent travel to and from Bangor, meals and overnight stays.

Upon learning of LaPlante family situation, club members made personal donations to the family at their December meeting.  When members presented the donations, they asked Joe and Erin LaPlante, Abby’s parents, if the family would be open to the club’s hosting a public benefit supper to raise funds to help cover the costs.  The family gave their permission and the upcoming benefit supper was scheduled.

The supper will be held Saturday, Jan. 27, at the Mapleton Lions Hall and will include spaghetti, Caesar salad and assorted desserts.  The meal will be served from 4 to 6 p.m.  

The club will pay for food and supplies. Payment for the supper will be by donation, with all money going directly to the family to support Abby.   

There will also be a 50/50 raffle held at the supper.  

Anyone wishing to donate may contact Dennis Hoffses, Lions Club Treasurer, PO Box 175, Mapleton, ME 04757.   

Terry Sandusky is the Star-Herald correspondent for Mapleton, Chapman and Castle Hill and can be reached at 764-4916 or at