Tragedy spurs kindness

Gloria J. Towle, Special to The County
12 months ago

The past week for the Central Aroostook Humane Society turned into total chaos from seizures that took place.    

Fort Fairfield police on Jan. 6 found eight pit bull dogs living in disgraceful conditions, including feces, urine, and other filth in the area. The poor dogs were severely emaciated and malnourished, and had multiple sounds and scars. 

If it wasn’t heartbreaking enough, two puppies were found deceased.

How can people do this to a living creature?  What could possibly possess them to, first of all, have animals that they don’t love, not care for them, or feed them, or protect them?  If this volunteer article writer could put down her thoughts as to what should happen to these two incredibly evil and heartless people…well, I doubt that I would be allowed to write my opinion in future articles.  My hope is that justice will be served.

Later, almost 40 cats were rescued from another local home, and if that wasn’t enough excitement, 11 puppies plus their mother were brought in around the same time. So, Betsy and her staff have certainly had a stressful and difficult week. 

What is truly amazing out of this tragedy is the incredible amount of support from businesses and individuals who have stopped by the shelter nonstop to drop off supplies, pet food, cleaning products and donations.  Many have ordered much-needed items through the Amazon Wish List and others have mailed in donations to help with veterinarians’ expenses. 

Words cannot begin to express how very grateful and thankful we are for such generosity and kindness. 

Our prayer now is that all of these broken pets will receive the medical care and healing that is necessary, so the rest of their days will be in loving, safe and kind homes.

One final note: we are very thankful to whoever it was that alerted the police to these horrific conditions. Please never hesitate if you suspect that there is animal neglect and abuse.

Gloria J. Towle is the secretary and a member of the Central Aroostook Humane Society board of directors.