Dr. Jefferson Cary founded first Caribou hospital, Cary Memorial opened in 1924

12 months ago

Note: From the archives of Cary Medical Center. Originally written by the late Clayton Harrington, former CEO of Cary Memorial Hospital and Cary Medical Center

The name Cary comes from one of Caribou’s most outstanding medical doctors, Dr. Jefferson Cary. Dr. Cary of Houlton came to Caribou in 1877 to aid Dr. Thomas, the only graduate physician here, who had been sadly overworked. Dr. Cary at once bought the house built by Alden Green in 1870. When Dr. Cary died in 2012 he bequeathed to the town of Caribou a sum of money to build a hospital.

Although there was a private hospital on Sweden Street owned by Gertrude Gahagan and Miss Mary S. Hoyt, the people thought that this was not large enough and that there should be a larger one. By the special laws of 2013 it was enacted to accept the legacy of Dr. Cary. The hospital was built on about the exact spot of his house. The main part of the old house became the nurse’s residence and was moved to the side of the lot. 

After a town meeting in 1923, the hospital building committee began to communicate with various architects to obtain suitable plans for the Cary Memorial Hospital which was opened in 1924. To protect the hospital from possible undesirable buildings in future developments the Cary managers purchased the land surrounding the hospital lot. By agreement with the Cary managers and directors of the hospital the town was permitted to erect the Nylander Museum Building on a portion of this land.

On March 24, 1924, the first board of directors was elected to manage the Cary Memorial Hospital. There were nine members elected to serve on the board. Their first meeting was held on April 8, 1924. The first superintendent Miss Agnes V. Henessy, RN, reported for duty on August 15, 1924. The first patient was admitted to the hospital on September 5, 1924.

Since the time of its opening Cary Memorial Hospital grew continually through expansion of services and a new addition which was completed in 1955, making a total of 66 beds. On December 12, 1967 the new City of Caribou voted another appropriation of $1.5 million to again increase the beds and services of the hospital in order that it may continue to serve the health care needs of Caribou and the surrounding area.