Caribou area From our Files – Week of January 24, 2024

12 months ago

120 Years Ago – Jan. 28, 1904

Advertising pays off — Since our advertisement appeared in last week’s issue offering some colored crayons for sale, the Republican believes more than ever in the benefits of advertising. From Friday noon until Tuesday there was almost a steady stream of customers with the result that the stock of goods advertised was all exhausted.

House numbers added — D.M. Armstrong will finish next week numbering the houses and business places in Caribou. He has numbered about 350 houses and stores and put on about 80 name plates on residences.

115 Years Ago – Jan. 28, 1909

Tendered resignation — N. A. Curier, who has been manager of the grange store for the past year, tendered his resignation last week, to take effect the latter part of March. Mr. Currier is a young man of considerable hustle and push, well liked and popular, and has succeeded remarkably well in the management of the store doing $94,000 business as compared with $56,000 the preceding year. It is understood he will enter the store of W. R. Pattee at the close of this engagement with the grange.

New job — Dr. Oscar Brann, who has been employed in the dental parlors of Dr. M. L. Bonney, for some time, closed his labors there last Friday and will go to Waterville where he will be employed in a like position with Dr. Cobb.

100 Years Ago – Jan. 24, 1924

Awards given — On Friday Miss Marguerite Dudley, a member of the senior class of Caribou High School, received a gold pencil from the L. C. Smith Bros. Typewriter Company for writing at the rate of 76 words a minute for 15 minutes on an L. C. Smith Typewriter. This is the highest award given to any one in Caribou by this company for speed in typewriting. Miss Dudley has also received a certificate of proficiency from the Royal Typewriter Company, a bronze and a silver medal from the Underwood Typewriter Company, and a bronze, a silver and a gold pen from the L. C. Smith Company.

Receiving commissions — The following deputies have qualified as deputy sheriffs and received their commissions from the newly qualified sheriff for Aroostook County: Herbert Hall, Houlton; George A. Barrett, Bridgewater; Lee H. Parker, Fort Fairfield; B. Frank Giberson, Presque Isle; Felix Cormier, Van Buren; John H. Frost, Mars Hill; Howard B. Everett, Presque Isle; Guy U. Main, Fort Fairfield; Frank H. Curtis, Sherman; A. B. Smart, Houlton; Irvin L. Smith, Houlton; Asa W. Pinkham, Fort Kent; Murchie A. Seeley, Ashland; G. H Dunham, Jr., Island Falls; O. E. Davis, Caribou; W. H. Barnes, Moro; Archie St. Peter, Caribou; H. H Jewell, Caribou; Victor E. Peters, Houlton. Herbert Hall has been appointed turnkey for the time being.

75 Years Ago – Jan. 27, 1949

C of C will feature Dept. Store head — The annual meeting of the Caribou Chamber of Commerce will be held at the Vaughan House, it was announced by Joseph W. Hatch, executive secretary for the Chamber. Guest speaker for the evening will be Mr. Arthur Unobskey of Calais, who conducts two of the largest department stores in Eastern Maine. 

Rec Center runs movies — More than 120 young people were treated to three movies at the recreation center Tuesday afternoon. Lloyd Pound, director, said the films and movie projector were loaned the canteen by Perley White, who on a previous occasion has willingly contributed his equipment for a like cause. The three movies shown were given tremendous applause by the ‘kiddies.’ The films were a musical comedy, a series of fight pictures ranging from the Dempsey to Louis, and an Abbott and Costello comedy. 

25 Years Ago – Jan. 27, 1999

Donations make dreams come true for 12 families — For six consecutive years, Aroostook County residents have given selflessly to the Make-A-Wish playhouse project, enabling the county chapter to go from raising $3,000 in 1993 to more than $20,000 this season, which enabled them to help 12 families this year.

Children and adults enjoy a night of storytelling — With afghans in their arms and fluffy pajamas to relax in, about 100 children went to the Caribou Parent Teacher Association’s Storybook Night at Teague Park Elementary on Friday.President of the Caribou PTA, Anthony Vail said this is the third year Storybook Night has been held.