The Quoggy Jo Ski Center of Presque Isle opened Jan. 17 for the season as a result of the recent snowfalls that have occurred.
Last year the Mapleton Lions Club donated funds to the ski center to cover the cost of after-school skiing and one night of free student skiing. On that one night, more than 130 kids skied for free at the center. The club has approved funding for the 2024 skiing season that will continue the after-school ski program and a night of free student skiing.
The Lions support the goal of offering low-cost family skiing experiences that help young people learn skills and experience the enjoyment of skiing.
Benefit supper
Last week this column incorrectly reported the date of the upcoming benefit dinner for Mapleton Elementary second-grader Abbigail LaPlante.
The dinner will be held this Saturday evening, Jan. 27, from 4 to 6 p.m. at the Mapleton Lions Hall.
LaPlante requires extensive leukemia treatment.
The supper will consist of spaghetti, Caesar salad and assorted desserts. Payment will be by donation with all proceeds going directly to the family to support Abby. The club will cover the cost of food and supplies.
Abby will have many treatments in Bangor over a course of many months. Her family will face treatment expenses, frequent travel to and from Bangor, meals and overnight stays. Donations will be accepted and a 50/50 raffle will also be held.
Everyone is invited to attend the supper and help support this family. Anyone who wants to donate but can’t attend the supper may send donations to Dennis Hoffses, Lions Club Treasurer, P.O. Box 175, Mapleton, ME 04757.
Dog licenses
The Town Office for Mapleton, Chapman and Castle Hill reminds all residents who own a dog that the state requires that all dogs to be licensed by Jan. 31. These licenses are to be issued in the municipality where the dog is kept.
The fees are $6 per spayed or neutered dog and $11 per dog capable of reproducing. There is a late fee of $25 added to the fee for all dogs registered after Jan. 31. The Town Office is open Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
For information or question, the office telephone number is (207) 764-3754.
Terry Sandusky is the Star-Herald correspondent for Mapleton, Chapman and Castle Hill and can be reached at 764-4916 or at