Opposes mine proposal

9 months ago

To the editor:

I am writing in complete opposition to the proposed rezoning of Pickett Mountain. For the small number of jobs this will create versus the impact and potential harm this will have to both the ecology of the area and tourism, it simply is not worth it. If allowed to go forward, this will open up northern Maine to other such mining companies.

The real draw to the area is the land, natural beauty and unspoiled lakes, rivers and ecosystem. The discharge from the mining process will alter the aquifer and take decades to possibly 100 years to recover. After the mining companies leave, they will leave the area a shell of itself and the ecotourism industry tarnished.

I hope the Land Use Planning Commission takes into account the voices of Maine residents who have everything at stake in this region, and nothing to gain from this mining operation. They should deny this rezoning request.

I believe this project is ill fated and short sighted.  As a land and business owner, this project could negatively impact my long-term plans in the area.  The commission should vote against the proposed mine at Pickett Mountain.

Jeff A. O’Hare
Island Falls