Caribou area From our Files – Week of February 21, 2024

8 months ago

120 Years Ago – Feb. 25, 1904

Caribou, first in the state — Caribou can claim the honor of being the first town in the state to have an apparatus for thawing water pipes by electricity E. E. Haynes, superintendent of the Caribou Water Light and Power Company, having installed one of his own make last week. By this method, which is very simple and consists in the securing of one wire on the faucet and another on the nearest hydrant thus connecting the circuit of electricity, the process of thawing a frozen pipe is no longer any great task, the work being done in some instances in a very few minutes..

Changes to the barber shop — G. B. Roberts has been making some decided changes and improvements in his barber shop on Sweden street. The walls have been newly papered, the counters moved back and the position of the chairs has been changed, affording better light and also more room, making it one of the finest shops in the county.

115 Years Ago – Feb. 25, 1909

Purchased a new house — Benj. Burgess has purchased the A. E. Warren house on Summer street. Consideration $2500.

A bit of humor — Niagara Falls is frozen over — the third time since records have been kept. That’s nothing. The Aroostook river freezes over regularly every winter.

100 Years Ago – Feb. 21, 1924

New store — The new furniture store in Stockholm, which was recently opened by G. M . Morgan & Co. of this town, is in charge of Ralph Morgan.

A movement in remembrance — The movement inaugurated to perpetuate the memory of one of Caribou’s (and all Aroostook) most prominent citizens, Dr. Chas. F Thomas, is meeting with the deserved success which such a movement should have. It is proposed to dedicate a ward in the new Cary Hospital to be known as the Dr. Thomas Memorial Ward.

75 Years Ago – Feb. 24, 1949

Local hotel remodels coffee shop and lounge — Remodeling and renovations of the Rainbow Lounge and the Coffee Shop at the Vaughan House, Caribou, were completed on Thursday. The Coffee Shop, located on the ground floor and northwest corner of the hotel has several booths richly upholstered with colored leather, individual tables, and a new counter with stools. Vaughan House Manager, John Slowe says this part of the hotel will cater to those wanting anything from a cup of coffee to a full course dinner. New wall settees, trimmed in red and cream leather, and attractive new tables have been installed in the main section of the Rainbow Lounge. The orchestra stand and dancing space have been moved from the center of the floor to the south end of the room. In conjunction with the remodeling, Manager Slowe said a banquet room is now available for all special occasions. This room was built from a section of the old dining room.

Lions to use car proceeds for hospital — Total net proceeds realized from the Lions automobile of the Caribou Winter Carnival amounted to $2178.20, it was reported at the weekly Lions club meeting Wednesday night by Walter Greenier, chairman of the committee. This amount will be earmarked for the Lions fund to purchase an electrical generating unit for Cary Memorial Hospital. This amount is the largest ever raised in this manner by the club. High salesman was Cecil F. Reid, Harley Lockhart, Arthur Somers, Arthur Ayotte, and Rex Gould. Proceeds of the Lions-Rotary basketball game Friday evening, February 25, will also go into the generator fund.

25 Years Ago – Feb. 24, 1999

Nurses earn certificates — Two nurses from Cary Medical Center’s Emergency Department recently earned their Certified Emergency Room Nurse (CEN) Certifications. Registered Nurses Suzanne Querze of Madawaska and Sharon Pelletier of Limestone studied for six months; traveled to Boston to take the test. Both passed and are now certified for four years.

Kennel Club gets donation — The Central Aroostook Kennel Club recently presented the Central Humane Society with a donation of $150 for their puddle fund. The fund is designated to assist with medical expenses for the animal shelter. On hand for the presentation was Central Aroostook Kennel Club President Wendy Myshrall and Central Aroostook Humane Society Manager Lois Pike.