PRESQUE ISLE, Maine – Pink the Rink is an event held across the United States and Canada at hockey games to assist families impacted by cancer. This year, Presque Isle held its first ever Pink the Rink at the Forum on Saturday, February 17 during a Presque Isle High School Wildcats hockey game against John Bapst. The team wore pink socks, pink hockey tape on their sticks and helmet and pink cancer ribbons. Coaches donned pink scarves and the crowd participated actively as well with pink scarves, hats, T-shirts, and sweatshirts. It was also senior night for those on the team.
“I Fight For” signs were available for those supporting family members who had gone through or are currently fighting cancer. Merchandise baskets and ice time were raffled to raise funds for the local C.A.N.C.E.R (Concerned Area Neighbors for Cancer Education and Recovery) group. City Manager Tyler Brown and council members Craig Green and Kevin Freeman were also in attendance to support the cause. The primary sponsor was Carlisle Electric with other sponsors including Paradox Design, MMG Insurance, Northern Business Products and a donation in memory of Lionel Theriault, Jr.
A total of $4,095 was raised and donated to C.A.N.C.E.R. The funds came from a Chuck a Puck game by Presque Isle Youth Hockey, raffles, donations, popcorn sales, and admission. In addition, Cushman’s sold Pink the Rink merchandise donating 25 percent of the proceeds.
It is anticipated that the event will be continued in future years. For more information, contact the Forum at 207-764-0491 or C.A.N.C.E.R. at