Houlton area From our Files – Week of February 28, 2024

11 months ago

75 Years Ago March 3, 1949

Larry Reece Wins Maine Junior Bowling Title – Larry Reece, bowling a brilliant ten string total of 1133, annexed the Maine Junior Bowling Title Friday night when he defeated Bob Graves of Mars Hill buy 168 pins. Reece garnered a 107 pin advantage at Mars Hill Friday evening and that amount added on to the 61 pin margin that he held in the previous ten strings rolled here gave him his final margin.

Houlton High Tied For Fourth Place in Aroostook League – The 1948-1949 hoop-edition of the Houlton HIgh, Shiretowners concluded their schedule last week with a rather poor record of five wins and 16 losses, but considering that Coach Gene Hunter had to work with mostly inexperienced material that was not to bad a record after all. 

50 Years Ago March 27, 1974

HRH Trustees Re-Elect Archibald–  Justice James P. Archibald was re-elected president of the board of Trustees of the Houlton Regional Hospital at the annual meeting Thursday at the Military Street Division. 

Two From Area Have Enlisted With Air Force – Two youths from Aroostook County have enlisted in active duty in the U.S. Air Force Recruiter for the Aroostook County area. Brenda J. Long of Houlton enlisted for a guaranteed job as a computer operator. She graduated from Houlton High School with the class of ‘73. Richard G. Littleton Jr., of Island Falls enlisted for a guaranteed job as a bomb navigation systems mechanic. He graduated with the Class of ‘74. Both will attend basic military training for a period of six weeks at Lackland Air Force Base near San Antonio, Texas, and will attend their technical schools upon completion of this training.

25 Years Ago March 10, 1999

Completes Course – Marine PFC Kelly L. Lovett, of Sherman Station, recently completed the Legal Services Specialist Course at Camp Lejeune, N.C.

Walker plays in NAIA National Championship – Castleton State College sophomore Janna Walker of Island Falls is playing in the NAIA Division II National Basketball Tournament in Sioux City, Iowa, which started last Monday and finishes on Tuesday, March 16. During the season, Walker scored 367 points, averaging 14 points per game. She tallied 200 rebounds and 75 steals, as well.